[A] <Not Safe for Azeroth> Normal/Heroic Raiding Guild Recruiting

About Us

We’re formed by a group of players who have raided heroic in previous tiers as horde on the server Magtheridon, we were having difficulty recruiting on there due to the population size, so we decided to roll Alliance on Silvermoon.

Our name is a play on the phrase Not Safe for Work as we like dark humour, so we are not the place for players who are sensitive or can’t understand what a joke is.

We aim to build a team, progress through normal then aim to progress through heroic - Ahead of the curve would be nice, but probably not realistic for this first tier. We are currently sitting at 9/10 normal and 1/10 heroic although we are having to pug healers and 1-2 dps


Currently, we primarily need healers to flesh out the team, we also have a couple of slots for DPS players too.


We currently raid Wednesday and Friday 8pm UK (21:00 server time) until 11 pm UK (00:00 server time).


We regularly have players grouping for Mythic+ and PvP and anyone is welcome to suggest other activities to officers, we’re an open and friendly bunch.

If you would like to join or have a chat you can find us in-game or message an officer on discord:

Decisive Jim#0863

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