🏰 [A] | Pyrewood Village-CATA | Bastion | Evening CET | MIDCORE

International, English speaking :flag_gb:, Family and Work Friendly, “play smart not hard”.
Recruiting for Cataclysm Classic

:european_castle: INTRODUCTION

Who are we?
A mix of vanilla/bc veterans (some getting long in the tooth) and friends picked up along the naughty server and more recently Classic era that love the original games design; looking to expand our company with like-minded people. A lot of our folks have jobs and/or families so our playstyle is tailored to make good use of available time. All experience levels welcome, we’ll guide you along the way if you are a wow newbie.

What can you expect from us?

  • A plan for all phases to get through content with minimum busywork and max progress / fun.
  • A stable drama-free guild environment fully transparent on goals and function. You’ll never be blindsided with adhoc decisions or not know what’s coming next.
  • A competently run Discord / Guild Hub, daily and weekly guild activities and all the tools to facilitate getting informed and participating.
  • Social events, help with professions.
  • Monty Python and Douglas Adams jokes (but always up for some quality/effort memes) :wink:.

Where can you find us?
In-game at EU Pyrewood Village Alliance PvE Realm /who g-Bastion and ask for Council or the [Bastion Discord] https://discord.gg/WqqYBnF

We are an adult guild. Less in the PEGI18 sense (could happen occasionally) more in the low tolerance to salt / angst.
We try to keep to the spirit of the Classic mmorpg, we do not promote organized boosting or pay to gear in the guild. An adventuring company not a corporation.

  • Try to leave your RL bothers at the login screen.
  • Get involved with guildies.
  • Your solo time is yours, but be dependable after committing to an official guild activity.
  • Represent the guild ethos on the realm.
  • Have fun :smile:

:dragon: RAIDS / GROUPS
Our overarching goal is to clear highest difficulty / size content available in a timely manner. Lower sizes and difficulties for off-day, catchup, casual fun.
Keeping our Classic/BCC/Wrath momentum going into Cataclysm on a strictly 2 day 6hr (total) schedule.
Not aiming at breaking speed clear records but we get our clear times down to a comfortable level and take all measures they stay there.

  • Raid days and times are currently Wednesday and Sunday evening.
  • Loot System is mainspec over offspec ties resolved with EPGP.
  • Loot rules for Alliance / PuG raids on our Discord.
  • Gear/ Consumable / Playstyle expectations for raid content also on our Discord (reasonable minimums are set depending on highest content available).
  • Our main focus is PvE but we will get involved with the realm community and participate or run the occasional opt-in PvP event.

Social / Levelling friends always welcome (could turn to raiding partners down the road)

See you in-game :unicorn:

Still on the look out for 2-3 players that fit our group

  • :bow_and_arrow: Hunter
  • :imp: Warlock
  • :evergreen_tree: Druid (cat or resto)
  • other dps considered (except mages/rogues, sorry)

Ready or close to ready for ICC25/RS a plus :wink:

Bump for Wrath Sunset :city_sunrise:

  • :smiling_imp: Warlock
  • :bow_and_arrow: Hunter
  • :boom: Boomkin
  • other dps considered (except rogues, sorry)

Still looking to get some fresh blood in for Wrath sunset + Cata

Not too fussed about class / roles at this point.
We typically run some polls and let our members pick their new favorites in anticipation of new content.

Dps (few) > Healers (couple) > Tank (maybe 1 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )

Bastion is seeking some reinforcements for Cataclysm Classic :smiley:

We intend to keep going as 25 so we have a few spots across roles and classes.

Roster is coming along nicely but we still have a few spots open.

  • Restoration Shaman :green_heart:
  • Warlock :smiling_imp:

Other players that fit our culture or socials always welcome.

As our raiding season is about to begin we are still looking for…
The near extinct

  • :smiling_imp: Warlocks
  • :drop_of_blood: BDK or :shield: Pala (or dps that are willing to maintain a tank OS)

Could still find a spot :slight_smile:


  • :evergreen_tree: Resto Druid or :health_worker: Healy Priest
  • :smiling_imp: Warlock / :metal: Plate dps (especially if they’re willing to maintain a tanky OS)

Still after 2-3 spots to keep the roster nice and round :smile:

  • :smiling_imp: Warlock(s)
  • :dark_sunglasses: Shadow Priest
  • :cold_face: frost/uh DK
  • :hammer: Ret Pala

Progressing through Hardmodes in a 25man setting.

Bump for

  • :church: Healy Priest (holy or disc) or Pala
  • :cold_face: frost/uh DK
  • :muscle: arms Warrior

Other classes considered (mage/rogue/hunter closed)

hi i got a arms warrior but it is only 82 soon 83 i think would love to level it up to 85 add me at btag Nor6695#2971 or discord remi_48763 for a chat dont mind to rotate on bench also if needed

I’m arms warrior, lvl 85 farmed most of my honor gear looking for casual raid guild if you guys are still looking for an arms warrior would love to join

I should check these forums more often, sorry for delayed reply :slight_smile:

Are you on our realm? (Pyrewood Village EU - Cataclysm)
If you can jump on discord https://discord.gg/WqqYBnF would be much easier to get a close to real-time response :wink:

No worries, joined the discord now. Server name is my character name, Hundomb :slight_smile:

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