[A] Resto Druid LF Guild (returning player)

Hey guys.

I’ve recently come back to WoW after a huge break. Been enjoying Dragonflight so far on my own, but I think I’ve come to the point where I would like to find a suitable guild.

What I’m looking for:

  • Preferably a smaller guild with a close-knit core group of players.
  • Willing to take me on as a social at first (and possibly until the next expansion).
  • Willing to help me get back into the flow of endgame raids and mythic+.
  • Casual guilds only. I’ve done my fair share of hardcore raiding, and I’m now looking for something more casual and laid back due to RL commitments.

What I offer to the guild and the community:

  • High skill ceiling PvP/PvE player. During my active time, I have always been part of highly performing guilds. I have also played 2v2 arena at high ratings (2k+). I usually live inside BG’s when I’m bored.
  • Leadership experience. I am completely comfortable and confident with leading people in PvP/PvE. Although currently, I am out of the loop in Dragonflight content as I’ve only recently returned to the game.
  • Great teamplayer. I always play around my team’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • I think outside the box, come up with unorthodox strategies, highly flexible and adaptable.
  • No drama, no elitism. I’m a very laid back and patient person, and I’d rather have fun than being a drama queen.
  • Fun! I love being mischievous and causing chaos around me for entertainment. My friends describe me as an orange cat in human body. :angel:

A little about me and WoW: (can skip this part, it’s mostly personal trivia)

I started playing WoW during late vanilla, where I was a co-founder of a guild that later on ended up being highly successful despite our late entry into the raiding scene. We managed to reach top 5 raiding guilds on our faction before the launch of TBC.

When TBC launched I rerolled to this Druid, and she has been my main ever since (except BfA). I transferred server to play with some friends, and we created a guild together that did alright despite struggling with membership numbers. We later decided to merge with another great guild, and combined we quickly made a name for ourselves. We managed to clear Sunwell relatively fast, cementing our guild as a top tier raiding guild. During that time, I also created a 2v2 arena team with a friend of the guild and by season 3 we reached over 2k rating on the most competitive battle group on EU.

During WotLK we continued our success, however me and my arena partner decided to retire from arenas due to Death Knights :skull_and_crossbones:
Unfortunately, I lost interest in the game around the time ICC was about to go live, and quit the game.

I later returned during MoP for a short while, where I managed to earn Ahead of the Curve on a few raid bosses and Gold rating in a couple of dungeons before loosing interest in the game again.

When BfA released, I rolled a DH but quit shortly after reaching max level.

A few last words:

Despite my early WoW accomplishments, I’m not interested in chasing the same trend anymore, and I’d love to compliment a casual guild with what I can offer.
I’m a very social person, and I enjoy doing stuff with the guild, making new friends and have fun on voice.
In RL I’m a 34 year old guy with the brain and IQ of a 5 year old kid. I love having fun, stirring up chaos and trolling. I don’t take life too seriously unless I need to.
My current job position is barbering, so if you need a fresh trim hit me up I’ll make sure you’ll put George Clooney to shame. :clown_face:

Alright, I think that’s enough for now. If you have any other questions that I didn’t cover here, feel free to ask. Oh right, I’m also willing to transfer server if that wasn’t obvious!

Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon! For the Alolianse!

You sound like you’d fit in well at Above the Lore. We play on Stormscale - EU and are currently running a Mon/Wed 19:30-22:30 ST raid schedule. If you’re interested hmu on discord (Qweggla) and we can talk further.

Hi there!

I think we could be just right for you

Hey there, i think we might be a good match, ill link you our recruitment post, read it and come back to me if you like it :blush: