(A) Resto shaman looking for raidteam

Edit: Have a trial this week, so currently not looking anymore.

Hi there!

I’m looking for a raidteam mainly progressing heroic but also tries out some mythic bosses after getting curve. Due to work and real life i cant join raids that starts earlier then 21, so i’m looking for someone that raids from 21 or later. Monday and friday i have keys with my keygroup so those days i’m not available.

Good atmosphere and chill environment is important to me (but keeping focus during bossfights). I always strive to prepared for raids by reading up on tactics and watching several videos, but i always learn better after having seen the fight. I’m always prepared with flasks, pots, food, enchants and so on.

Hope to hear from you if i might be the healer your team is looking for :slight_smile:

Still looking for an alliance raidtem :slight_smile:

Any flexibility on your Monday night key group? If so we might be what you’re looking for.

We main raid Thurs & Mon 21:15 - 23:30 server time, currently 9/10hc and 1/10 mythic. Finished CN 6/10 mythic before taking a break for around 2 months waiting for 9.1 to release.

Shifty#1175 on bnet if you’re open to changing your monday night.

Thanks for reaching out. Sadly i cant let my guys down, i’ve promised not to ditch them. My friends matter more then raiding :slight_smile: (perferct raidtimes though!)

Understandable :slight_smile: Figured it was worth checking :slight_smile: good luck with the search.

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Are you still looking? Trying to see if we can change the monday night to another day :sweat_smile: