[A-RP] Adherents of Altruis - Recovery

While my demon hunteris unflinchingly loyal to the Master’s cause, and you’re all filthy turncoats and traitors (TR8RS!!!) this is an absolutely amazing guild concept you have there.

I strongly commend the initiative myself, and I hope it can work out. I know it can; the lore-friendly pro-Alliance premise will short-circuit many of the pitfalls of demon hunter role play if done right.

If only there could also be an Illidari alternative, both to provide some tension with your guild, as well as a second option for demon hunter role play!


Our guild roster isn’t so lonely anymore! With the initiation ceremony concluded, we can say welcome to Zvezra, Tarathrel, Alandris, and Narthelos!


With this, we can now confirm that recruitment will reopen on the 2nd, when we’ll have our first DM event, kicking off the official OOC launch of the guild! We look forwards to hearing from any further potential recruits, and are still very happy to hear from people with questions.



With our first event over with, our guild has officially entered its full-launch phase! From here on, recruitment will be open, and we’ll be present in Ashenvale. You’ll see our guild title change with the name of our event chains :japanese_goblin::dagger:


Rumours spread along the width of Ashenvale’s purple forests, carried from the mouths of wary sentinels. These hushed whispers speak at length about a group of secretive demon hunters and their recent actions, with plentiful variation.

I heard they forced a healthstone on a dying sentinel.

I heard one of them lost control while fighting orcs!

I’ve heard they disrespected a priestess and a sentinel officer – to their faces.

Apparently, they gouged out a dark ranger’s eye.

Did you know that they eat their food together… raw?!

Some of these rumours may carry truth; likewise, others may not. Whatever side they lie on, there are also some things that are made certain:

They helped protect Raynewood and Silverwing.

One demon hunter shot down two dark rangers with a bow – quicker than my eyes could believe it.

There would be far more dead without them.

Whoever these demon hunters are, it’s clear where they’ve placed their allegiance.

Another event over with, and a new recruit invited! Things are starting to heat up, with our first lesson as a guild due on Saturday; controlling and using shadow magic.

Recruitment will still be open for now, but watch this space for more guild updates!


I’m the new recruit mentioned in the post above! Got thrown straight into the fire with a event on the first night I joined. But so far I’ve found it very enjoyable.


Rumour spreads of the Adherents’ most recent efforts – in particular, their help in retaking a briefly captured Forest Song. Now, this unlikely group of demon hunters remains there to safeguard it until druids and dryads can refortify it with new thorny walls. Those visiting find a pile of Horde corpses upon the nearby crossroads, all bearing a curious mark; three rakes across their faces and bodies.

As part of our event chain, the Adherents of Altruis have helped clear Forest Song of some temporary Horde inhabitants! Feel free to come visit us here while we make camp – even if with malicious intent. They are demon hunters, after all. In the meantime, the Adherents work towards spreading their fearful pseudonym amongst the Horde, ‘The Hounds of Ghazaduum’, by lining Horde corpses with their three-pronged, clawing mark.

Recruitment is still open and we’re happy to hear from those interested in checking us out!


Today we’re travelling out to Feralas for our own little form of ceremony and celebration in the light of The Heart of The Forest on the outskirts of Feathermoon. We’re looking forwards to perhaps getting some mean comments from angry passerbys :smiling_imp:


Altruis sux

Lord Illidan wuz ere


After a private ceremony held by Priestess Ylvessine exclusively for the demon hunters in the remote Ruins of Feathermoon, the Adherents will now head north again to assault Azshara. The event chain will be hosted by one of our dear members: Tarathrel. Thank you for that!

Afterwards, we look forward to various guild cooperations. Among them is the community event A New Moon we will host with the Hand of Cenarius ([Night Elf/Worgen-RP] A New Moon - #12 by anon64609363) as well as an upcoming RP-PvE campaign with a variety of other Alliance guilds we will attend.

Recruitment remains open for the time being and now would be a good time to connect with us should you be interested in joining.


I’m juggling too many alts as it is, but have an upvote for being non-conformist badasses. You’re alright for a bunch of mutants.


After keeping the New Moon ritual (eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/night-elf-worgen-rp-a-new-moon-tonight/65224) relatively free of disruption, the Adherents will soon return their full attention back to the war.

Their assault on Azshara was less fruitful than they had hoped for, mainly through the goblins’ clever enforcement of their machinery and weapons with the ‘Tears of Hederine’ (wow.gamepedia.com/Hederine). Though they managed to halt production, the Horde still maintains significant supplies.

To bring the Horde the same pain that the invasion of their homelands brought to their kin, the group of demon hunters set their eyes on Durotar and the Barrens next. However, the Adherents still need to beware of the potent weaponry, and be careful not to bite off more than they can chew…

Recruitment remains open for the time being. The ideal time would be to poke us before we head off to our Durotar storyline coming Tuesday!


The Adherents just concluded their first assignment in the Barrens: Rescuing a small renegade orc clan from the grasps of Sylvanas loyalists in exchange for valuable information- all without the death of a Horde soldier as was the clan leader’s wish. The bargain bore fruits, though none of the parties involved were particularly pleased with each others presence. The lack of orc blood that flowed that night seems to have left a bitter taste in the mouth of many of the Adherents, but not all.

However, with the new information gained, the demon hunters will now move deeper into Horde territory: Durotar itself. The Warsong shaman seek to enlist the aid of minor, rebellious elemental lords and their minions, all in exchange for precious Azerite. Though parts of the ritual sites are still a mystery, the Shrine of the Dormant Flame and Spirit Rock are known to them…


Though with a little dip in activity due to Classic release, we’re still very much around. Our storyline has led the Adherents to the Shrine of the Dormant Flame in Durotar. Confronted with an unfinished ritual of the Warsong Clan, the Adherents will have to either complete or disrupt it and deal with the consequences. Without any shamanistic knowledge, this might end up more difficult than expected…


IN DUROTAR?!?! AWAY TREE ELVES sharpens knaifu


We cheeky :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


“Wake up, idiot.”

The voice in her head stirred, cutting Zvezra’s sleep short. A colourful haze twisted and merged into shapes whilst a blaring cacophony of screeches and creaks assaulted her ears. There was no sense to it. She woke up like this each time and yet, it frustrated her all the same.

“Wake up! They’re close.”

Her gaze adjusted. Ears twitched, excluding all unnecessary sounds. She sat up, groggy, and the vivid shapes disappeared, replaced by massive trees and a sea of green as they fell into place. Not all predators could allow themselves the luxury of nesting among the highest of Feralas’ crowns. But she was no common predator, and neither had she sought common prey.

An invisible force flipped Zvezra upside down all of a sudden, her body to clinging to the branch on all-fours— it wasn’t her doing. The demon laughed, “Look, look below now and I might not push you off.” Frowning, she complied. The sound of footsteps reached her first as something clumsily stepped on the twigs, the pace indicated hurried stride. A heavy creature, accompanied by another. A rustle of feathers. A distinct creak of old, unimpregnated leather reins; a hawkstrider.

Zvezra smiled. Spectral sight revealed a bright, magical aura— no doubt a sorcerer. Magisters were powerful, she had learned that much during her stay at the Black Temple. Or so did the Sin’dorei proclaim. A shiver of anticipation ran down her spine, tattoos shimmered with a sickly glow as she prepared for a leap. No rumour would save this one.

The hawkstrider stopped when the rustle of leaves above caught its attention, but it was too late. The demon hunter crashed against the animal like a boulder, instantly breaking its abdomen and sending the rider flying backwards from the sheer impact.

“Hahaha! Look, look! We made him soar higher than this bird ever would!”

She turned her head, the hawkstrider’s blood filling the cracks in her skin as it trickled down her face. The blood elf fell a few good yards away and only now started to comprehend what had just happened. Shaky, he pushed himself up enough to sit. A shadow of the approaching hunter caught up to him, and a foot pressed against his chest thwarted an attempt to cast a spell. An awful grin twisted her expression, there was something satisfying in the sight of the mage squirming and helplessly flailing his arms; something she and Wergat enjoyed separately, each in their own way.

“Good, good! And now ki-- oooh!”

Zvezra perked up, it wasn’t normal for the imp interrupted himself. “What?” she said out loud, confusing the wide-eyed mage. His stubbly chin quivered but no sound came to form an answer. “His mouth! Inside! Inside, there’s shiny.” the imp rambled, cackling with glee.

A disgusting hand kept the Magister in place when the other forced his jaw open, and the sun revealed their prize - a set of golden teeth. The horrified look on the blood elf’s face intensified just as much as Zvezra’s smile grew, reigniting his struggle. She could barely feel his kicking and fists hitting her body, and it grew only weaker as she pressed harder to keep the mage in place.

“Get the shiny, fool!”

An unholy scream drove the birds into a scattered craze as the blood elf tore his throat, blood gurgling in his mouth. Zvezra pulled at the base of his lower jaw, forcing it apart— quite successfully so. Gore bursted and poured down the mage’s neck, staining them both. A violent spasm overtook the elf body and once again, it was quiet in the forest.

The hunter rose with her reward. She spun the jaw in her hands with child-like curiosity, mesmerized with the glistening gold lining the teeth. Today, the demon wouldn’t speak again.

A little story revealing what Zvezra was up to in Feralas a while ago, prompted by a unexpected idea. The imp’s secret stash grows ever larger.


By aiding an Earthen Ring shaman in the Trial of the Earth, the Adherents were able to prevent the Horde from garnering the support of a mighty elemental.

Clever spellcasting and diplomacy forced the competing Warsong shaman to take his “victory” at face value and accept his decision to send the spirit back to Deepholm instead of aiding the war effort against the kaldorei.

For now the Adherents will camp in the remnants of Tiragarde Keep.

Image of the Day:


Today marked the last day of our Durotar adventures, on time for the patch tomorrow. The hunters will no doubt be baffled by what absurdity they are witnessing. Should you be interested in joining, now would be a good time to get in touch.

Either way, they finished the job in a mysterious cave on the Echo Isles. Another elemental summoning went wrong for the Horde when a naga siren and her lackeys attacked them and bound the elemental to her will via the void. After a series of trials, twisted and turned up-side down by the siren’s magic, the Adherents managed to foil the siren’s plan and set the elemental free. Confronted with their various failings and personal demons during the trials, many of them are left in a rather unstable state of mind. Luckily Priestess Ylvessine is ready to meet them in Ashenvale coming Thursday.

While I didn’t create an imgur album for the DM events, I did make three for the spontaneous DM / social events we held inbetween:

Zvezra’s & Aeneon’s Swine Farm Raid


Decabrius’ Tattoo Renewal


Poetry Night
For the purpose of connecting more with their elven side, Aeneon suggests a night of self-written poetry. It didn’t go so well in some cases.


He awoke soaked in his own sweat, eyes open wide to a starless sky. Blind again. An impulse, a thought.


But the sweet air never relieved his panicked lungs.


Muscles remained relaxed but his mind coiled and writhed. He was a statue, frozen and unmoving in thick darkness.

Shh, shh, soon it will be over. Let me help you.

Another wince, another struggle in vain. A familiar cold veiled his mind, paralysing and numbing. So painful. So sweet.

Shh, shh, don’t fight. You know she’ll follow. Let me help you both .

The truth struck him. A whack of despair and misery snuffed out any will and opposition. A tear fell, but he grew colder.

Do you see my mercy? I will help you.

Brief story related to the events that transpired during our campaign finale in Durotar.

The coming week we’ll have a slower line of events more akin to casual RP than DMs which will involve training, ceremonies and scavenging in Felwood. Afterwards, around the 6th, we’ll be off to Nazjatar with the [A/N-RP] Hand of Cenarius, albeit involuntarily from an IC perspective.

Until then we’ll be camped on the outskirts of Astranaar or by the secret shrine within the hills near the Moonwell of Purity. In the unlikely scenario your character likes demon hunters, feel free to pass by when you see us about :+1:

Friendliness not garantueed.


These sound like good friends for Diarmuid to meet. I joined the Moonlight Embrace, but the description of the guild and the way you all RP Demon Hunters is exactly the same kind of way I’ve been RPing Diarmuid