[A/RP] Sentinel Cadre - Glaivewings

"Elune wept as our land and people bled, the ancestral homes torn asunder, left to wrack and ruin. Elune cried out, as our Sisters and Brothers fell both in battle and within their homes protecting loved ones held so very dear. Elune granted vengeance to those who served her best against the Horde and their followers.

Retribution has overtaken many of our Sisters, revenge and rage has created a ferocity and zeal amongst our forces that have pushed aside all that we might be under Elune’s watchful gaze. Yet intolerance is our enemy still, it has created rifts amongst our kin and made us weaker for it.

No more, we must work as one people, one goal, one accord. To re-build, to protect, to unite under Elune’s guidance. To that end, High Command has allowed for the formation of an unorthodox unit, Priestess and Huntress led but one which will be comprised of our kin more typically shunned yet have proven their worth tenfold."

Sergeant, Glaivewing Cadre.


The World Stage has been set, an armistice is in effect between the Alliance and Horde, Tyrande has sent Sentinels to locate the Banshee Queen. Yet away from these global events, the presumption is that our lands and people suffer still in many ways. It is this assumption, that Kaldorei resources are stretched so incredibly thin amongst our people given what they have endured, that High Command has granted stay for the formation of a Unit compromised of experience and skills that are not atypically found within the more traditional Sentinel Cadre’s.

Glaivewings is one such Cadre.

A Kaldorei and Worgen military guild focused on uniting kin who might otherwise be shunned or out of sync with the remainder of the Kaldorei forces. The guild composition might take the form of any of the following classes or talent sets to complement its ranks further;

The Illidari, Engineers, Arcanists, Sentinels who lack purpose or choose to move away from more traditional roles and weapons, crafters who can advise on rebuilding and resource projects, Worgen non traditionalists wishing to be counted still amongst our people and their own.

The defining commonality that acts as the underlying bond between the guild members, is that each is willing to accept service to the Kaldorei people, lands and our future under Elune’s guidance.
Who can join:
Out of Character: All Night Elf (including Illidari) and Worgen classes.
In Character: All classes that would fit the guild’s theme and aspirations, excluding Worgen Warlock Characters or Death Knight concepts.

How to Join: Application is either through speaking to the Unit at their stationed outpost at the Tower of Estulan in Feralas; sending their Sergeant a letter of application or current serving characters can ask for re-assignment through their chain of command and apply that way.

It should also be noted that males are accepted, whilst not present in traditional Sentinel guilds, they are welcomed here.

Our AA page provides fuller details on our roleplay and eventing system used

www dot argentarchives dot org/node/233492


They seem like a cool bunch of folks

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Why call it a sentinel unit when the whole idea is to make it inclusive of a good bunch of misfits that can’t actually be part of a sentinel unit?

I feel like you want to RP sentinels but not the drawbacks of, for example, being less diverse when it comes to characters and classes that comes with it.

Why do you exclude warlocks and death knights when the appeal of this guild is exactly a Kaldorei warband that takes those shunned individuals?

Making this a mixed unit of the Black Moon Army specifically would probably be more fitting though that is also questionable considering we never see the night elves actually employs these kinds of individuals in their official branches of the army.


Representing team Feralas!


Based and Elunepilled


Lovely Bunch! Elune’adore!


Huge thanks for our awesome greeting into Moonglade last night! Made one hell of a sight seeing all these lovely mounted Sentinel’s greeting us!!


Agreed, absolutely stunning to see you all lining the way, got a Fel of a reaction from the parade crowd!


A huge thanks for taking part in the fireworks display, I dare say you stole the show and I wouldn’t have it any other way! You guys are great!!


Glaivewings will be back in Feralas soon, so come by Estulan and say hi!


Nice to see Nelf RP out in the world! Hope we get to interact :slight_smile:
Best wishes


Bump for the brave Sentinels who are keeping the jungle safe!


Glaivewings are still around Estulan and in increased numbers, don’t be afraid to stop by and rp!


Good to see you around Feralas. Never enough aerial security in these times! Definitely pay these guys a visit if you happen to be around. Great company to hang around or fly around with!


After what started as a simple blessing ceremony turned into a nightmare, the Glaivewings have finally managed to return to Feralas for some well earned rest.


After a brief venture to Winterspring and successful cleansing of Estulan from wild plantlife, the Cadre returned to their normal duties and even bolstered ranks. If you’re on your way on some adventure or simply passing by, feel free to stop by and say hello!


A weary Cadre battles far from home, deep within the pine forests of Grizzly Hills, Northrend. Kin that was lost has now been found, strange totems seen in the hills and the Furbolgs beset with internal strife, the peace treaty in discord. It is no wonder thoughts now turn to home and the garrisoned outpost of Estulan


The festival has concluded in Feralas uneventfully. The whole next day people in around Feralas could witness several machines heading on their own back to the base of the Glaivewings, having concluded their use as sentries.


Glaivewings have been called to Ashenvale to help out with local patrols. Our base for the time being is Astraanar, so come and say hi!

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The Glaivewings answered a missive for aid in Ashenvale, fighting bravely against a demonic threat that concluded in a grand finale assault on their lair. The battle was won but at a heavy cost, losing one of their own in the process.

Solemn but steadfast, the cadre returned to their base at Estulan in Feralas. Recovering and looking further for others who seek to serve their people in Kalimdor and beyond.