Hello! The Hand of Cenarius is currently looking for people interested in RPing dryads in the context of this druidic order. A while ago we started a side plot in which a few of our members were given the responsibility to look after a dryad acorn each (four in total). This of course included teaching them about the world by whispering to it (https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Dryad). With the necessary knowledge conveyed over the course of several months, the acorns are now finally ready to sprout and ready for the next stage of their life: Imprinting on the first person they see (usually a druid) who will teach them to control and utilize their powers for the good of nature.
We thought a while about how we may deal with this phase of the plot line as simply DMing these individuals would not be ideal and not do their personalities justice. At the same time, having people in the guild RP them would also not be ideal, since their main characters may actually be the ones that "raised" the dryad, so interaction would only be off-screened. With that said, we’ve concluded that it would be best to find other players who may be interested in RPing this relatively exotic concept in the context of a druidic order/group that mainly wages war against the Horde.
So, I’m going to RP an NPC?
Absolutely not, just like any other RP character, you’ll be able to casual RP whenever, join our DMs if you want and so on. The only difference is, really, that these are characters with a fixed backstory. As in, we created profiles for each of the dryads depending on what was taught to them during their time as an acorn, how that interaction was shaped on an emotional level and who did that. This means these characters are not blank slates, but already have some vague direction for character development. Think about it the same way that you are trying to RP the brother of an established character. The backstory is fixed to some degree and you need to work around it and incorporate it. Past that, it is your character and you decide what to do with it.
What can we offer you?
RPing exotic concepts such as dryads can sometimes be a struggle since RP may be sparse due to the nature of the race you RP. In this case, the dryad will accompany the Hand of Cenarius that prepares them for the dryad’s return to Feralas and her duty of protecting these lands (or not, depending on the player preference). This should offer regular interactions with us and other players. You will be free to join our DM events, casual RP and join the guild OOC either temporarily or permanently (for that sweet OOC chat), depending on your preference. The dryad will of course be part of the Hand IC (Protector rank), should they choose to stay with us even after their “training”.
What do we expect?
A fairly good grasp on lore, especially regarding druids/dryads/night elves. We know -relatively- little about dryads, so there is some freedom for RP there, however we don’t want to dwelve too deep into grey zones that may contradict official lore. In essence: No totally absurd headcanon.
Additionally, we’d expect you to make use of the fancy prism to copy the appearance of a dryad (to aid immersion). There are dryads in Maraudon that Rogues can pickpocket for the appearance. While it would be amazing if you had a Rogue, one of us can certainly help you with that by logging on our own.
Regarding activity: That is completely up to you and this shouldn’t really be a problem as long as you can spare the occasional hour or two per week and have no problem mixing in some IC status messages in Discord.
If you’re interested, simply throw Zenys or Mythundis a whisper or in-game mail so we can get in touch.
The Backstory
We have the “profiles” ready, but I shall not post these here. Instead, we’ll send you the google document after we got in touch.
Useful Sources
Here some additional sources for people who want to read up on some dryad lore (there are spaces in the links so I can post them here):General dryad lore, “birth”, origin, culture, diet - https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Dryad
Dryad flutes seem to get wildlife to follow them, though perhaps Mylune’s flute is special - https: //www. wowhead. com/quest=42042/teensy-weensies
Dryads seem to have the ability “Poisonous Song”, implying they may use songs or music for some of their abilities - https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=l2SZ7mbOKMo (Quest: Champions of Elune)
Dryads have diverse personalities, but some seem to be “rarer” and more special than others:
One of the more upbeat/happy/talkative dryads: https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Kelnir_Leafsong
NPCs in the quests listed comment on her: “Should you find her, do be aware… dryads like her tend to strike other races as a bit odd.”
“Kelnir? Hahaha… Sometimes I wonder if her chatter drove all the other dryads away. But I’m glad she is safe.”
Another one of the quirky ones: https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Mylune
Several examples of more grounded and “normal” personalities:
https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Anilia
https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Legends_of_Maraudon
https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Scratches
https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Culling_the_Wild
https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Illiyana