[A-RP] The Seventh Battalion (Alliance Army/7th Legion RP Guild - Military RP)

:bookmark:The Seventh Battalion, a proud division of the 7th Legion, stands as a beacon of strength and unity. Comprising skilled and dedicated soldiers, our unit embodies the disciplined spirit of the Alliance, committed to defending Azeroth against any threat. As members of this illustrious battalion, we honor duty, camaraderie, and valor in the face of adversity.
Serving The Crown with unwavering loyalty, we proudly take orders from The High Command. United in purpose, we march forward, ever vigilant, ready to face the challenges that await. For the Alliance and the glory of the 7th Legion, we dedicate ourselves to a noble cause – a cause that demands courage, integrity, and the unwavering resolve to stand against the darkness. Together, we forge a path to a safer, brighter future for Azeroth. For duty, for camaraderie, for valor, and for the Alliance!

• Ranks :guardswoman:

‎ ━ Footman: Footmen are new members undergoing training to become full-fledged Legionnaires. They learn the ropes, familiarize themselves with battalion protocols, and prove their dedication to the cause. Footmen are mentored by higher-ranking members as they progress through their training.

Legionnaire: Legionnaires form the backbone of the battalion. They follow orders diligently, participate in training, and contribute to the overall success of missions. Legionnaires/Battle Mages are the foundation upon which the battalion’s strength and cohesion are built.

Corporal: Corporals are emerging leaders, tasked with overseeing small groups within the battalion. They assist Sergeants in executing missions and maintaining order. Corporals often serve as mentors to newer recruits, helping them adapt to the rigorous demands of the battalion.

Sergeant: Sergeants lead squads during missions, ensuring that orders are executed efficiently. They are responsible for the well-being and performance of their squad members. Sergeants play a crucial role in fostering teamwork and camaraderie among their assigned team.

Sergeant Major: The Sergeant Major is the highest-ranking non-commissioned officer. They are responsible for maintaining discipline and order within the battalion. They serve as a liaison between enlisted members and officers, ensuring that the chain of command is upheld and fostering a positive and efficient environment.

Field Medic: Medics are part of a separated Department within the battalion that handle the medical care and medical supplies and are direct subordinate to the Chief Medic/Commander/Deputy.

Lieutenant: Lieutenants serve as second-in-command, assisting the Captain in planning and executing missions. They lead specific units within the battalion, ensuring cohesion and effectiveness. Lieutenants play a crucial role in the absence of the Captain, taking charge of the battalion’s day-to-day operations.

Commander/Deputy Commander: Commander/Deputy Commander lead with authority and strategy. They are responsible for overseeing the overall direction of the battalion, coordinating missions, and ensuring efficient communication with the High Command.

:paperclip:Each rank within the Seventh Battalion plays a vital role, contributing to the overall effectiveness and success of the guild. Together, the diverse skill sets and leadership qualities of each rank ensure a formidable and united force in service to The Crown and The High Command.

• Progression :chart_with_upwards_trend:

‎ ━ Normal Ranks: Advancement through the lower ranks is solely based on in-character (IC) performance during tasks, missions, and campaigns. Members who consistently demonstrate dedication, adaptability, and effective teamwork on the battlefield will earn promotions.

Officer Ranks: Progression to officer ranks combines both in-character (IC) achievements and out-of-character (OOC) contributions to the guild. Officers are not only distinguished leaders on the battlefield but also actively contribute to the overall success and positive atmosphere of the guild.

• Uniform :military_helmet:

‎ All members of the Seventh Battalion are required to wear the uniforms of the Alliance Army – Uniform. (7th Legion sets for plate, mail, leather, cloth) Additionally, it is mandatory for every member to proudly display the Tabard being the main or Tabard in the meantime as a symbol of their unwavering allegiance. This uniformity is a non-negotiable expression of our commitment to the Alliance cause and reinforces the unity and pride within the Battalion.

• Army Newsletter :scroll:

High Command of the Seventh Battalion:

Commander of the Seventh Battalion (Commander):

  • Status: Occupied

Deputy Commander of the Seventh Battalion (Captain):

  • Status: Occupied

Company commander of the Seventh Battalion (Lieutenant):

  • Status: Empty

Medical Department:

Chief Doctor of the Seventh Battalion (Lieutenant):

  • Status: Reserved

Field Medic of the Seventh Battalion :

  • Status: Open spots

Field Positions:

Field Commander of the Seventh Battalion (Sergeant Major):

  • Status: Occupied

Platoon Commander of the Seventh Battalion (Sergeant Major):

  • Status: Occupied

Group Commander of the Seventh Battalion (Corporal/Sergeant):

  • Status: Occupied

Footman of the Seventh Battalion:

  • Status: Open spots

Professions within the Battalion: Ranger / Infantry / Scout / Marine / Engineer / Stablemaster / Cook / Gryphon master of the Seventh Battalion

• Awards, Emblems, and Medals of Honor: :medal_sports:

:paperclip:The ranks, emblems, and medals of honor within the Seventh Battalion are awarded solely on the merit of military personnel. Emblems and Medals

:paperclip:Note: The awards and decorations reflect the commitment, dedication, and exceptional service of military personnel within the Seventh Battalion and Alliance Army. Each honor signifies a specific aspect of merit, heroism, or dedication to the alliance and the broader military structure.

  • How to Enlist?
    Search for any soldier of the Seventh Battalion IC and ask them to get you to a superior officer. Every recruiting will be done IC by a contract of enlistment assisted by an officer.

This guild is a member of Alliance Forces Community

  • This Community serves as a home for those who are into Military RP/Orders of Paladins.
  • This Community was created for Co-Op between guilds such as Units and Orders but also guildless RPers that serve the Alliance.
    Here you have the link >> https:// discord.gg/pYuWAqHMKX

:bow_and_arrow: Alliance’s finest. T’be a shame if an arrow met them… In the knee.

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“I took an arrow in my knee.” :joy:

Great Rp guild friendly and inviting members great discord and community and I heard there sergeant major Yaegah is amazing as well

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The Seventh Battalion is open for Recruiting at this moment! :saluting_face:

Do you want to be the best of the best Alliance has to offer?

Me too. But for now, join us and do your best!

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The Seventh Battalion is looking for:
- plate swords :crossed_swords:
- plate shield wearers :shield:

Lovely folks. Been around since the early days of the guild and both the IC and OOC aspects of it have been really entertaining.

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The military personnel of the Seventh is on leave to refresh themselves and their minds for a week after our last Campaign that we had in Tirgarde Sound against the horrors of the Void that were assaulting the city walls of Boralus.

After this week the military personnel will return to the unit and start the trainings, preparing ourselves for next Campaign that will take part in Stormsong Valley.

Until 9th of August the Seventh Battle Squadron of the Seventh Legion is in Stormwind and open for recruitment.

With this said…
You wish to become the Elite of the Alliance?

Take advantage of this moment and become what you wanted to be when you saw the heroes of your days returning in Glory from the battlefields, defending the nations of the Alliance!

Defending you and yours!

Through camaraderie, fighting side to side, fighting as ONE!
The Seventh Battle Squadron will face and defeat any obstacle that endangers our world!
Be one of us! Be the HERO of your childhood! Be the HERO who inspires the next generation!

Search for us in Stormwind at the Seventh Barracks (near Embassy) and ENLIST!

King’s Honour and Light be with you!

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