Delete, please???
What about the Kul’tiran and their drust magic? Will they be accepted?
Awesome to see more druid roleplay – very much hoping you folk grow and prosper! Hopefully, we’ll also bump into each other IC in the future.
That said, the forum thread leaves a little to be desired. Your opening states that “the outsiders had gone too far”; what does the term outsiders entail for the Soul? Do they mean everyone who’s not Kaldorei?
You also mention you accept Worgen on a case by case basis, yet you also state you only accept druids. Does this refer to the difference between harvest witches and Cenarion druids?
Last but not least, what makes you stand out? What will make me want to join the Soul of Ursoc over another Night Elf guild?
All in all, I think a little elaboration on the guild’s concept wouldn’t hurt. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope we can work together in the future, Rethuriel.
(I replied to the wrong person sorry this is for @mythundis)
I hope so too, thank you for your kind words I do hope that we can work together as there is very little druidic and it would be fantastic to bring back some community/inter-guild RP.
As I am new to this and finding my feet if I say anything incorrect please forgive me
Your first point: Apologies for the lack of clarity, I probably should change outsiders or make it more clear I was trying to convey outsiders in the sense of non-kaldorei mainly Orcs and The Horde.
Secondly, as I said to Arinda, The reason why I said Worgen was mainly to do with the relationship that was formed between the Kaldorei and the Worgen seeing as the curse is party our fault. I will hopefully be recruiting Worgen who are on the beginnings of their journey but I’m not opposed to more experienced Worgen
Finally, I feel like a lot of the time druid RP is all about a whole rounded druid but I personally wanted to focus on the idea of protecting Kalimdor through a different way usually druids are seen as tree-hugging hippies by the other races but I wanted my guild to be seen as furious warriors that will do anything to protect both the people and the wilds.
I hope this addresses your issues and I really look forward to speaking in-game at some point!
Tree hugging hippies are more than fine but it is indeed refreshing to see more of the furious warrior type appearing.
Good luck!
Isn’t that a requirement to be a night elf?
Thank you it’s much appreciated. I did want to stray in a different direction as druid lore is so vast and not many people take up the more violent way.
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