[A]-[Silvermoon] Looking for a guild

Hi, I’m a returning player.

I am just looking to find a friendly casual raiding/ m+ Guild. I’ve been playing on and off since vanilla and I do have decent experience when it comes to mythic raiding.

I am free most nights and willing to put in the hours. I don’t expect to jump right into the main raid group, I am happy to wait and possibly prove my worth in the long run.

As for the class I plan to play in Dragonflight, I’m leaning towards either warrior protection or a druid/priest healer.

Hi there, if you are still looking for a guild I would love to have a chat :grinning: guild info & contact details below;

I’d also like to extend an invitation to have a chat :slight_smile:
Please have a read about our guild below, and don’t hesitate to add one (or all) of us: