[A][Silvermoon] Picky Newb seeks guild!

So I’m kind of looking to join a guild, I’ve been showered with invitations in-game over the last few weeks, but either they don’t talk or they just don’t feel right.
So I thought maybe posting here might help the right guild find me, rather than a bunch of rando’s trying to fill their recruitment quote. :smile:

So to start off, I’m a Swedish-Canadian dude of 31 years! I’m very new to WoW but have played MMO’s for about 14 years.
I’m looking for a social and laid back guild that will let me play and level up at my own pace.
I’m interested in joining an English speaking community with a variety of nationalities, but a significant number of fellow Swedish players among the ranks would be nice. :wink:
I do enjoy doing dungeons and definitely want to get into doing raids. And since I’m rather new to WoW and still experiencing it all for the first time, I definitely want to join a guild which focuses not only on new content, but old content as well.

I think that about sums up what I’m looking for. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Alexea! If you’re up for rerolling/transferring to Magtheridon horde side we may be the guild for you! :slight_smile:
We have a friendly laid back guild that does lots of stuff together and welcomes new players. Our guildies are from all over the place and we have a few Swedes too :smiley:

A bit about our guild:

  • We raid 2 nights a week
  • We run lots of dungeons together for shiny loot and fun times!
  • We have social events that accommodate characters of various levels
  • We have people interested in PvP; pet/mount/transmog collecting; grouping up in other games and even playing D&D together on our Discord server :smiley:

If any of that interests you, give me a shout on Discord (Tea003#8087) or in game (Tea003#2501) for a chat and I’ll answer any questions you have :slight_smile:

Hey, you would be very welcome with us at Only Fools with Horses, we are a mix of all nationalities including a few Swedish members. We run regular events called Dungeon Progression Events, where we visit old dungeons and raids as a guild, as well as fun events weekly.

Only Fools With Horses is recruiting is our recruitment post (hope that works)

Feel free to pm me in game on Moggana or my bnet is Mogs#2420

Look forward to chatting to you soon… :slight_smile:

Hi Alexea,
If you considered playing as horde, you may find our guild interesting. We are a causal (2 days a week) raiding guild with quite a lively social aspect as well. We are an international guild, but we have some Swedish players too. If you are willing to give it a try, or talk, my battleid is orgeir#2898
If you want to read more about us refer to:


Hi Alexea,
We are a welcoming and friendly alliance guild, on SIlvermoon - no need to faction change or server transfer if you decide to join us!
We consist of a slightly more mature player base, with the average age being early 30’s. Despite our advancing years, we are socially active and talkative in /g - without being cliquey or resorting to fart jokes (ok, occasionally there are fart jokes…)
We have a number of Swedish players too, as well as a number of other nationalities. Three Irish no less!

We currently raid just once a week and are progressing at our own pace through the current content - if you are looking for high-tier raiding and M+ we may not be the guild for you, although we can hold our own in M+ to a decent level.

We have a variety of other guild events, both scheduled and unscheduled ranging from DPE (Dungeon Progression, IE Dungeons done on the level for which they were intended) , to “retro-raiding” and the guild favourite - the lvl 1 Gnome Race.

Should PvP be your thing, there are regular excursions to Assault zones and BG’s too.

All in all, we’re a well-balanced, chicken-friendly social guild and we’d be delighted to have you with us.

Give me a shout on #owlpacino2900 and we can have a chat!
Look forward to hearing from you,

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