[A]-Silvermoon Semi-Weekend Guild 7/8HC&2/8M LF Raiders!

Still looking for DPS

High Need for DK, Rogue, Balance Druid, S Priest
Low need for WW Monk, Warrior.

Tank and healer slots are filled.

6/8Hc - 40% broodkeeper Prog.

Still looking for DPS

High Need for DK, Rogue, Balance Druid, S Priest and warlock
Low need for WW Monk, Warrior.

Tank and healer slots are filled.

hi are the guild still raiding normal or only herioc :slight_smile: ?

Still looking for Raiders!

High need for DK, Rogue, Balance Druid, S priest, Resto druid and Mage.
Low need WW monk and Warrior.

7/8HC with 70% prog on Raszageth.

Still looking for raiders!

High needs for Balance druid, Mage, Dps Evoker

Current progress 7/8HC 2/8Mythic.