✞[A] <The Scarlet Inquisition> [EU] [Mograine] [PvE/PvP/WPvP/Community Events/Leveling] [Focused Raiding/Casual]

Disclaimer -T̶h̶e̶ ̶G̶u̶i̶l̶d̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶m̶o̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶F̶i̶r̶e̶m̶a̶w̶ ̶d̶u̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶x̶p̶e̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶r̶i̶d̶i̶c̶u̶l̶o̶u̶s̶ ̶q̶u̶e̶u̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶S̶h̶a̶z̶z̶r̶a̶h̶!̶
The Guild is going to migrate to Mograine due to Firemaw rapidly increasing population to almost Shazzrah level, and because we are looking for the smoothest launch experience.
Thanks you for the patience :wink:

Join <The Scarlet Inquisition> today!

Have you ever felt that you want to play a spec really bad, just to find out later that "you won’t be taken to a raid’?
Have you ever felt like you want to raid but you did not have the time to do so? Or maybe you had the feeling that you don’t have what it takes to do so?
Have you ever had a sudden urge to end all of the forsaken population?
If you ever found yourself in at least one of these situations then you may want to continue reading.

Who are we?
The Scarlet Inquisition is a group of close friends with a knowledgeable experience in raiding that have played and raided together since 2012 and want to savor the authenticity of Classic in all its glory. We plan on clearing all of the raids and PvP’s in a relaxed atmosphere that welcomes players of all experiences that want to get into raiding, with the ultimate goal of having a good time together and playing your loved class/spec.

What do we offer?

  • A relaxed environment and fun atmosphere that welcomes players of all experiences that want to get into raiding, prioritizing fun, with the ultimate goal of progressing as a community and individual, having a good time together and playing your loved class/spec.

  • We are planning fun community events that can consist of mass WPvP raids with a special emphasis on obliterating all that is Forsaken (hence the name), Outfit Contests and not only.

  • Dedicated Raid Leaders and mature officers that work towards the improvement of the guild and member satisfaction.

  • The possibility of participating and looting in raids as your preferred spec of choice, while using a DKP loot system based on merit and effort. This also includes rewards based on attendance, loyalty and dedication.

  • A place for all kinds of humor and jokes, as long as they do stay at that level, so don’t be shy and bring out your dad jokes or even your inner Somali Separatist.

  • Organised PvP sessions once Battlegrounds hit in Phase 2.

  • There will be fellow guildies helping out with professions and crafting.

What do we expect from you

  1. Patience is key:
    This community is just starting out and willing to strive so we need your support and patience to get far!

  2. A will to improve and the ability to take friendly critique:
    We strongly believe if there is a will there is a way, so do not be afraid to ask for help, it is important to acknowledge your mistakes if you want to improve, and suck up the constructive critique.

  3. Be fairly active as a member:
    We understand that real life, kids, friends and loved ones come first that is why we won’t be strict about attendance, but we do want you to try your best to be present and active when needed.

  4. Play towards the success of your fellow guildies, a forgotten but healthy concept.

  5. Be vocal and dedicated about stuff you’d like to see happen.

  6. Don’t be an absolute mongoloid.

Raid rules and time:
-Saturday and Sunday 20:00PM Server Time
-DKP Merit Systems
-Minimum level of effort and interest towards self and group improvement (minimum of enchantments or pots)

If by now you are not yet convinced to join The Scarlet Inquisition, or you have any other question feel free to just PM me:
Discord- Nathaniel#3162
Battlenet- RufusSenator#2153
https://discord.gg/xRMjJkZ - Discord Server

Join the crusade and let us restore Lordaeron to its former glory!


Is this guild happening??
I would like 2 join u after the launch.

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Yes it does :smiley: we’re doing our best to make it possible!

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Count me in! IGN will be Unexplored, will add discord around 25th.

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That sounds lovely what will you be playing? :smiley:

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Do u not see this warlock here??? xD This was my 1st char and will start with it as a gnome.

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Haha thats awesome looking forward to having a trusty lock in the guild :P!

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Sounds great! I`m in


That’s lovely PM me on discord :smiley:

Zied here, giving a free bump since I’ll be joining you guys as a rogue. :>


Thanks man, looking forward to see you in Azeroth!

4 dais bois!!

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Added you on Discord and Battlenet would have to have a chat with you!


Nobody expects the Scarlet Inquisition!

Sorry, couldn’t resist :wink:
Great name tho :slight_smile:


Bump. Still looking for more players!


Only 1 day left! Hyped!

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