About lags when doing World PVP

Hello fellow players.

I noticed , that when a massive PVP Battle starts ( Like 40v40+ ) in world or in a PVP instance the game will lag. Like , a lot of lag . I was casting mutilate on an enemy and the combo points were loading after 5+ seconds and the animation had delays.
Also , I experienced a lot of lag when people were phasing in and out of my screen , it must have been a group of 20+ people.

So , I wanted to ask , if anybody knows , does that lag occur because the servers are trying to communicate with each other and send all those information to every server , which every single player of those groups belong? And if it does so , why Blizzard doesn’t make small server groups , such as Neptulon/Genjuros/Darksorrow & 2 more , having the ability to communicate between them , instead of trying to communicate with all the servers , since it creates such a struggle for them ? I’m not a tech expert or something , but i think that would be the main reason for all this lag.

I would be very happy if you could solve it in the near future , because World PVP is a lot of fun and it is sad that we can’t enjoy in its full potential.

What do you guys have to say? :slight_smile:


Create more of these topics and support this WPvP 40x40+ lags and ppl disconect there is a lot of evidence and video