About posting with links

Is what gets me, when you try to do it in 50 days xD

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Best advice I can give you: maintain a daily activity.

On my case I enjoy forums so I logg in first thing in the morning.
It’s easier to find topics I enjoy replying, or getting ideas for topics.
I got to posts links without even trying to get there tbh.

I wish the game was that addictive tbh …


If I’m not playing I’m not paying :wink: sometimes it’s down to health issues that stop me playing and sometimes it’s just an oversight because blizzard is weird and does game time to the minute :rofl:

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I did read of cases, where it was gone within days… I was away for 6 weeks though, still doesn’t change the fact, that this is indeed annoying…

Problem is we never know what of the requirements that causes us to lose the TL. I’m guessing its more likely the read 20.000 posts within the last 100(?) days ir something like that that falls off and not that ppl were away from forum for a day or two. But there’s no way to know and track your progress.

that is a problem too… when I got trust level 3 for the first time, shortly before that, I asked the support, why I don’t have it yet, because my profile numbers said, that I was supposed to already have it, however some of those posts, I already read were too old, so they didn’t count which made tracking my progress quite hard, and the support wasn’t able to tell either…

there really should be a way to track it…

Yep, something that shows how your stats are within the last 100 days would be nice, that way u can at least know what u lack for TL3 and grind it if u want.


Our profiles should have much more useful info on it, like stating our current trust level and how far off we are from the next level (if applicable). It’s not very user friendly.


You only lose trust level 3 by having a sanction imposed on your account.

Actually I think it is an inherent part of the discourse forums than a deliberate act on the part of Blizzard.

no… you also lose trust level 3 by being inactive for a while…

Blizzard either trusts me or not. This fake-liking and artificial need-to-read is not working. The forums are not active enough for me to scroll enough new interesting posts and “like” enough. Aregh I hate this “like” culture. I swear facebook was the worst invention of our time.


I was inactive for about a month as the forum wouldn’t load on board ship and I never lost my TL3. Maybe I had stored up enough views etc prior to that to hang onto it by a thread.

maybe you did… but I was inactive for 6 weeks and I lost it… probably because maybe it is like Sinaaki said

I did minimum reading to get the trust level, so that means, if I am inactive for even a short amount, I lose it again…

that would make sense, since I don’t have a single flagged post at least not that I know

Let’s test it out? :smiling_imp:

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please don’t mess things up for me while I am trying to get trust level 3 back


I like Facebook, I can keep in touch with family and friends who live a long way away with it but I get what you mean with the “like” culture.

I have a fan on twitter who has somewhere in the region on six accounts who she uses to like her own tweets (remind you of anywhere lol) and uses lack of likes on other people’s tweets as a basis for them not having a foot to stand on :roll_eyes: it always makes me wonder how she manages in life that she has to count her meaningfulness in how many times she can like herself to “win” an argument :rofl:

On here I tend to just like posts I agree with or find funny. It’s less about popularity and more about the worth of the post imo.

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This says it in a nutshell. I like browsing the forums, but I am not going to comment on every post, just those that interest me. On some you find somebody else has said what you were thinking so you pop a like on that. The in game grind is enough, I don’t think it should be an equal grind for trust levels on the forum. I have said it before and I know lots don’t agree, but for me it would be give everyone the same level of trust (or remove the trust levels) and then make it so this privilege can be removed for those who violate the terms for posting.

I was never inactive. Still lost it without any visible reason.

Exactly. The ‘like’ for me is like saying “I agree” or “well said” and is nod of agreement, or a post that just made me laugh. I do not ‘like’ for sake of it.

I have conducted experiments with social media. One I have mentioned on forumshere, or was it bethesda forums ? Anyway, point was I actually told people “this is how you get likes” I made a post. generic post. And waited right time to post it on Anonymous feed. Got 900 likes within hour.

How shallow.

And another one was not planned experiment, but good example of “likes showing if you good or relevant”. I had this one fan art drawing I did. Was my personal favorite. Kind of showing me that I am slowly recovering from career killing injury. Not just that also one of my favourite characters and all that.

My friends ignore it. not even usual good job, az. Some bethesda fans say, “Nice” and get 2 likes on my social media, and 5 on other and 3 on DA.

In other words as some would say : “worst art ever, lol not even 10 likes combined” It did make me a bit sad because that doodle was very important to me in a way.

This very doodle was picked up by developer of said game, posted on their Twitter and was at time the most liked and commented fan art they had posted under any of their game feeds. I have no idea if that number has been bypassed now, since I have not bee back to twitter since I was alerted to check it out by lady that posted it.

So that was reminder to myself - not evaluate my drawings based on my ‘likes’. I am just unknown, doesn’t make me bad (nor would 10000 likes make me better, I am just what I am!). Internet is full of people, who doodle. I am just hidden among 100000000 other artists.

So difference was just where and by whom my doodle was represented. Same was with my Alien film drawing. Where I got 120 likes,m or so. And in a fan blog it got more than I know numbers.

Just like on forums here likes do not show anything relevant, or on youtube. Or in instagram. Heck instagram and other such platforms are known to have like farms too to cheat the platform feed algorithms to generate viral posts. Unless I pay money, i could never become internet celeb.

This I find unbelievable. Okay so let’s talk about trust, before anybody says trust has to be earned, please remember it is a two-way thing. If we have to earn Trust on the forums, then you would assume that Blizzard or forum staff have also to earn our Trust in them. So how is it possible for somebody to lose their Trust Level with no idea how? This is not the first post I have seen of people saying this, so if there is no real clarity on how things really work, how can people put any trust in it?

Sorry I know I sound negative, but this topic gets me salty :wink: