Account information has changed

I experienced the same tonight.

Got that message an hr ago as well and was DC, and now I am getting constant disconnects from time walking dungeons. What is going on?

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This and the other may be related to each other

So some stuff is tagged for investigation tomorrow.

So basically, it’s the currency change that causes these mass disconnections? I remember getting an email like that a while ago, yes.

Yes, because the change requires a few small alterations to your account data, which cannot be done safely while you are connected to that account. Simply because you might yourself make a change (for ex a trading post transaction, or buying a token, or even just running a timewalking instance that awards the warbound badges), that then corrupts the data to be migrated.

It´s like opening a spreadsheet in an office on 2 separate clients at the same time, changes made by one will not be see on the other, and whoever presses save last “wins”… so in this example, say you open the TP, they open your account data and change currencies, they save the changes, you buy a mount, close the TP, and all of what they changed is back to what it was before they changed it :wink:

I see, that makes sense. Very annoying when you keep getting dc’d and kicked in dungeons though. But I guess I will just have to live with it for tonight.

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So this is the reason my HC-charachter died yesterday… Is there anything I can do?

It’s clearly not my network/my fault, but actually maintenance on Blizzards end that killed me?

Solution is not to play hardcore

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No, since you explicitly agreed to this among other things being a possibility upon character creation.

HC character creation warning:

The only options available to you are to start over on a new toon, or transfer the dead one to a NHC realm and continue to play there.

I really think Blizzard could have given some form of heads up of this maintenance work, instead of an entire community being confused and trying to figure out what’s going on, and wasting time on trying to fix stuff locally, when that’s not even where the issue lies.

I also work for a large company that’s spread across the country, and in some cases internationally. When we have maintenance work that could potentially affect workers and/or customers, we always notify in advance. There’s much more to be desired in general from Blizzards communications team, if such a thing even exists.