AD Talks - Hiatus (Another Update)

We’ll be introducing a couple of new segments upon our return after our hiatus!

AD Alert
We’ll be looking to pick up on individuals or guilds to bring them together to talk with one another. So that we can better understand the feuds and general problems that are ongoing between them and provide them with the assistance they need (who am I kidding, we just want to see them trash talk one another).

Live Criticism
We will dedicate a couple of minutes of our running time towards following players who are roleplaying at random. During that time we will providing live criticism towards their approaches, their use of grammar, among many other things.

There are a few other projects along way, stay tuned through the coming month to find out what else we have in store. Furthermore, we feel as if one hour isn’t long enough for the Talk Show and will instead be going through from 9pm realm time until midnight.


Loved your talk with the Sun Hawks cant wait for your return!


For confirmation none of the above is true, ‘April Fools’ hah. I don’t promote drama on the Talk Show, rather promote roleplay and fun for all!


Hello, I’m coming forwards with another update. The initial plan was to return towards the continuation of AD Talks after April but I don’t feel that’ll be the case at all. I may be the prolonging the hiatus further than that, why?

I’d rather be direct about things whilst not giving too much over seeing as we know how things on the internet can be, I’m not doing too good on an emotional level. It’s affected many things in my life and I’ve chosen to cover it all up through pleasing and entertaining others, for wow in this case that’ll be through AD Talks, events like heart of the forest recently and more.

However lately my personal problems have been seeping through into the projects I genuinely enjoy doing but just lacking the motivation and energy to do anything due to all this. I’m not wishing to come back and bring something that comes off as half-assed among many other things.

So I’ll be taking some time for myself and just focusing on me, I feel like I need it instead of pressuring myself with extra things on my hand. I don’t intend on throwing AD Talks aside, just stepping back for the moment, I hope that I can return feeling renewed and motivated. Perhaps not sound as if I did not want to be there either during our talks. Thank you for watching it live or on youtube, and the continued support as a whole. I honestly did not think I’d still be going at this stage.


Take some time for yourself mate, as I always say IRL comes first. Hope you feel better soon.


As mentioned above, I hope all gets better for you!


Take all the time you need, friend! Health is important and you gotta look after yourself even if we’ll miss you! I’ll miss the banter on our Tuesday evenings.

If anyone is looking for a stop-gap fix until AD Talks returns we do a little bit of RP streaming/discussion over on my channel on a Wednesday evening. it’s far less structured and much more informal, but you’re welcome to come hang out: Twitch Channel


Thank you for the well wishes everyone, and yes please do check out Theolains RP stream. It’s a fun time for everyone, relaxed atmosphere and generally great.

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I’m a little bit late to this one, but just wanted to send my love and to say that while I am new to the AD community, I have seen in a very short time what an integral part of it you are and how giving you are with time, resources and creativity. Give that energy over to yourself now. Love yourself, be kind to yourself, and remember you deserve to be your own top priority xxx


You’re a great part of the community, I don’t want to see the AD talks go but I especially don’t want it’s host to be going through it at the cost of their own self-being. Don’t care if it takes a few weeks; months or maybe even a year or two, I’ll be glad to turn into AD Talks again! I myself have gone through a period where I used RP as an escape from an unpleasant time in my personal life, trying to get away from an internal struggle.

However at other times we face these struggles head on and take action for the things we want, the things that make us happy. And every time we do, whether in success or failure, what matters is that we took a step and conquered ourselves. And tomorrow the struggle made by our shadow will appear again, as they will every single day.

But where there’s a shadow there is a light, a light from our strength, intelligence and intensity that stood by with us during the hard times and ready to stand with us again. Do not turn away from these battles, as for every time we choose to follow our heart is a time the enemy inside us gets a little weaker. The shadow becomes a little weaker, the light becomes a little stronger.

Keep your head up champ, you deserve to be happy.


Still on hiatus, no better than I was feeling before but pulling away from a few things has helped me become a little more level headed in working towards organising my own life before delving into other projects.

I wanted to leave another minor update, with a reminder that we’ve got a discord for all creators and people of AD to join should they wish to do so; artists, writers, musicians, machinima makers, streamers, etc. I’ll place a link here and update it on the main post too. Looking to make the discord more interactive in future with a few community events/competitions.

Thank you again for the well wishes, it’s appreciated and really brightened my day.


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