[A]<Dark Portal> semi-hardcore guild (Wed+Sun 20-24 ST)

56 min bwl, clickie that application in discord to become part of the team.

Bump :slight_smile: great dps, where are you?

Update: 48 min bwl clear
hot position for tank \ dps warrior, holy paladin, warlock

38 min BWL…still need exceptional players for AQ and onwards.

Hakkar hardmode is down! UP

Bump, really need good players to replace slackers that fell out from the ship of classic. We have cookies and are waiting for your applications :wink:

Up. We want you in the main raid!

The players you seek are all over Gehennas, Firemaw etc. We’re not impressed by nor interested in speedruns on this here RP realm.

Now if there was fun, giggles, banter and mucking about I bet you’d interest players.

Most of us alteady have jobs. Spending 1 hour buffing and 2 hours rushing through all the raids every week isn’t what mst of Zandalari players look for.

Long live the casual nobody!

PS: Still, good luck! Try discords. Forums aren’t for the tryhard coolkids who somehow ended up on this realm!

Not sure that’s a fair post or needed Axeroid, the beauty of ZT as a realm is a wide spectrum of people all enjoying their game their way.
This guilds doing you no harm, and the busier the realm in general the better long term.

Live and let live bro.

P.S. I aint in their guild just moochin :slight_smile:

I don’t think I do them no harm either. Just a reminder of the general concensus and probable reason for the slow recruit process.

Also summer.
Also sort of big slumber before the pre-AQ events get going.

Flexin’ nonimpressive raid timers or eu/world ranks in set raid (as I saw a guild do in ZG general chat when recruiting) both cracks me up and saddens me.

Trying to flaunt your stock on Zandalari is…a King-Nothing-move. The competition is elswhere.

Quite short sighted. and utterly pointless post, Goldshire slow today? :slight_smile:

Up, 2 BWL+MC teams up and running, preparing for AQ and we want you!

Up, always looking for great improvements!