Additional Mythic+ Adjustments - 12 March

There’s a safe spot in the arena (two of them, actually) which these missiles never hit, regardless of the flying bots positions. It’s hard to pinpoint the position with words alone but I’m gonna try.

So, when you’ve entered the arena, there’s that landing strip rectangle right in front of you on which the boss resides. And to the left and to the right of you there’re also two ventilation squares. Right between any one of these two squares and the central strip there’re two narrow sections of steel plates. If you stand on the part of them (I always pick the left one) that is simultaneously contained within the closest edge of the strip and the farthest edge of the vent, you’re safe from the missiles.

If my language ability wasn’t sufficient to paint the picture, just observe the ground yourself – you will most certainly notice that place.

I think you confuse active mitigation with cooldowns. Hope you are not claiming that standard tank-busters from bosses need defensives just to survive?

Tell me that it’s normal that a DH with Demon Spikes go from 11m to 0 on a +2 from a single hit.

If you think that actual defensives are needed to just survive boss tank-busters, then you can go ahead and remove 3 tank specs from being viable at +7 and above from the game.

Thankfully, that’s not the case.

It depends on the tank. But you can hardly complain saying you kept ironfur up while you died by a big magical tankbuster (sorry for the guardian reference, but i play mostly with a bear).

In what world is a tank getting 11M damage in 1 hit on a +2?

I mean, it’s supposed to be. That’s the tanks main mechanics to deal with, rotating defensives properly so that they don’t take any tank-busters without a defensive up. When else would a tank ever use a defensive during a boss encounter?

  • When you run out of self heal and you are low
  • When there are other boss mechanics that overlap with the tank-buster
  • When you have messed up and you will eat avoidable damage
  • When you got unlucky with dodge and parry
  • If none of the above can happen, because the boss is a target dummy, then use it for sustain, don’t let the CD go to waste

That’s just my opinion of course. Under 11, all tank buster should be survivable (taking max 80% of max hp) by a max hp, decently geared tank using only active mitigation.

How is there a tanks shortage tho? Yesterday i literaly gave up playing for evening cuz i couldnt find healer . I filtered by groups having tank just for fun, there were tons of them, then by healers and there was exactly 0 . Is filter broken? Maybe , does it has anything with wednesday bein most comon raid time ? Maaaybe , but still its easier to get tank than to get healer . And this season is mostly about healers , good heal can carry medium tank, no vice versa

I’d say they are, but we probably have to establish what a “decently geared tank” are equipped with. What ilvl would you say a decently geared tank is at, and what’s their total health?

Sure, it would be better to use the defensive proactively to avoid getting low, but if you fail to do that then the “better late than never” is true. You shouldn’t hold defensives for those situations though, but rather aim to use them before that happens instead.

Which mechanics overlaps with the tank-buster only sometimes, and not always?

Yeah, it’s great to use them for when you fail mechanics to cheese certain death. You shouldn’t plan for this though, but rather plan to avoid the damage entirely.

This doesn’t pose any treath during boss encounters unless the healer is afk or you’re severely undergeared. It’s the mechanics that are dangerous at bosses, not white swing.