Aerie Peak Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Aerie Peak in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Character: Flirt, undead priest
Guild: Outbreak
/wave to all y’all!

Character: Xanker
Guild: Origin, Proximity, Kaisen (spelling?)

Just wanted to say hi as well!


Character: Japyjapo, tauren druid
Guild: Legion of the Lowlands/Thundercats Ho

Old character: Stadsdrol, Tauren druid
guilds: Legion of the Lowlands -> Liquid Minds -> Proxima

My new character will be named Wrexo, undead warrior

just wanted to say sup too lmao :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Character : Klan undead warrior
Guild: last one was Outbreak (Hey flirt ,Xanker it was kaizen :slight_smile: )


Hey Klan! I remember you from when we killed a couple of bosses in Naxx just before TBC release. Good times :smiley:

Character: Omar, orc Rogue
Guild: Outbreak

I Just Wanted to say i still remember all The fun Times with The Guild.

And hello Flirt, almost time for another Guild-party eh?

Character: Gnu, Undead Rogue
Guild: Outbreak
Ze Gnu is home did you miss me fellow Outbreakers <3

Embla, Troll Mage
Outbreak (Stopped playing that char at twins in aq40 and went back to my paladin and did some naxx progression, i know im a traitor!)

Character: ponki
Guild: Brotherhood Of Welmaf

By the way, if you guys want to find more from arie peak, then try this fan made site, its a decent amount of people from arie peak here to.



I remember you Ponki!

Character: Fiskestang, Undead Rogue
Guild: Tauri Ordo I think

Only reached level 55 before tbc!


Used to play ud warlock named Doomz if anyone recalls me
modus vivendi/ core/clownshew/unwise elders

ye i remember u to man :d


Hey there Omar! Remember the time we summoned you into the cage in Naxx? And the less said about that party the better ^^ And Embla, Gnu :smiley: Good to see so many Outbreakers still around. And Modus Vivendi ofc - I played as a paladin in MV in TBC (Yavanna). Going to roll alliance on Pyrewood this time, so if anyone spots Yav, don’t be a stranger!

So anyone know where all the arie peakers is going? its like 50 people on vanillafriends . com but no one knows what server people are going to lol.

i have a plan its not a good one but a few seem interested in playing, let me know your prefaired factions and we can seem if we can get a new outbreak or something.


I didn’t actually join Primal until TBC, but everyone in it was active in vanilla also.
Rask, Rivet, Kimsbear, Flinhoof, Aqua, Kemlar, flick…etc. where are you all?

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Davidoff, Tauren Druid
Unbreakable (we mainly did PVP)

I remember a few of the names floating about. Brings back memories!