[A][EU][Ravencrest] 12/12HC (Returning Players)

We are a guild of friends who have raided together for a long time. We prioritise having fun together above all else, but we are not above pushing ourselves to improve for the sake of clearing content.

We have a focus on raiding. However, we spend a lot of time together when not raiding. We enjoy doing M+ keys, old content and some of us pvp. We also play other games outside of WoW frequently.

The majority of us have raided Mythic content in the past on Kazzak Horde, and while we don’t consider ourselves hardcore, we have achieved various Cutting Edge Achievements.

Cutting Edge achievements we have achieved:

Will of the Emperor
Grand Empress Shek’zeer
Lei Shen
Garrosh Hellscream

Imperator Mar’gok


We stopped raiding before BFA launch due to many of us having commitments outside of the game. With Shadowlands approaching, we have decided we are ready to begin raiding again and are looking to expand our roster in preparation for the expac launch.

While we are recruiting all roles, tanks are a lower priority currently.

If interested feel free to add and contact:

Posted under wrong character! apologies and thanks for looking :). Guild name is Jungle!

If you’re still looking, check us out on [A] [Outland] Natural Competition – Recruiting Mythic Raiders for Shadowlands