Affli nerfed btw

it does. 10/char

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and im above 2k yet you treat people like trash.

im not bad at playing feral youre just in denial that affly has better kit than feral, im not saying feral is not strong by any means but our survivability toolkit is giga bad with outdated mobility so stop putting words in my mouth will ya?

yes it does and youre in denial here.

no you dont you run jinx talent that auto applies corruption and agony for you and only thing you have to cast is UA and Haunt and wait from MR procs and SB procs.

well feral has same issue because every melee in the game sticks on you like a tick so ig we can agree the uptime of some classes is giga broken.

i play lock and feral for years and i know exactly what im talking about, its not like i just started playing affly this xpac. When i play affly its the oposite i eat ferals cause you burn through their Survival instinct and bark and then he will start running away when you rot him down and all you gota do is cc the healer , use netherward to bait dk or mage kick to proc precog :slight_smile:

you started being all agressive all of a sudden heres prof

so do me a favour and turn off your pc and go outside and relax and come back when youre less passive agressive

theres more affs in the top 500 of 3s than there are furys, arms, havocs and wws combined lol

theres more affs in the top 500 of 2s than there are furys and unholys combined lol

theres more affs in the top 500 of rbgs than there are furys, wws and frost dks combined lol

aff is the highest represented dps spec in the game above 2100 in shuffle lol

combine ret and spriest and you get a number smaller than the number of aff locks at 2400+ in blitz.

yeah i’d say its in a pretty good spot tbh

and pet ai is still terrible and with the amount of aoe stun and aoe snare and aoe root and aoe everything that happen in the game half intentionally and half of the time just by pure accident when they were using it to something else, the pets are in all of these effects also half of the time not doing anything.

Needs huge nerfs.

U sure youre not 18 hundos hardstuck your whole life?

check other chars and my warrior and you will see i played above 2k , because pvp is not the only content i do tyvm.

being toxic like this will get you nowhere bud , yeah respect for being multi glad and rank 1 don’t get me wrong but trying to sh**it on people like this youre losing my respect here. i was top 26 in the world in s3 df for m+ as feral and i was 100 rating away to be 0.1% to get the title but i have other thing to do irl than just focus on the game so here you go.

and your response is reason i don’t wanna push my limits above 2.1k , i know i can atleast be 2.7 if i tryhard as i did in m+ yeah there are things i need to improve i watch my own clips to see where i screwed up and to learn but this has notting to do when it comes to this discussion

affly is broken just like feral is but affly has better kit and thats my arguement

there are other classes like frost mages that need to be looked into too not just affly , coming here as rank 1 or glad denying the fact your class is broken tells alot about you

Feral > op = true
Feral toolkit = false
Hunter > op = facts
hunter toolkit = true
warlock op = true
warlock toolkitit > true
monk op = true
monk toolkit = true
warrior op = true
warrior toolkit = true
Rogue op = true
rogue toolkit = true

Hope you see where im getting at.
While other classes are broken and unkillable- feral is still the most killed dps spec, full of weak spots.


i can atleast win four AWCs but i just dont really try. Nevertheless id say im an awc experienced player :upside_down_face:

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well good for you man , hope you get it

Aff is still massively out of control. They nerfed it before everyone had more gear, so now players are getting more gear, they do more damage, who wouldve thought… xD

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Affliction damage is 100% totally unreasonable even post nerf, but calling the Warlock toolkit anything but outdated is a good meme.

There’s a reason why you only see the class when one of its specs is numerically overtuned.


I dont even play the game and i havent played affli since cata so i couldnt care less if it gets nerfed or not. The issue is youre assuming people would kick into nether ward which wont happen unless youre playing at low mmr (like very low actually). Tbh i dont even want to elaborate my thoughts. I mean youre saying you can get high mmr while suggesting plays that would not work there idk.
Actually reflecting cs doesnt even proc precog like what. Ofc knowledge is not all however saying something is Broken while not knowing how things work is not convincing.


So youre saying me explaining the netherward trick that yeah is not so big on higher ratings/mmr is me complaing for it removal or something?

no im mainly talking about other toolkit and damage is absurd , im saying deathpact sheild and wall for lock make it giga strong and able to survive zug zug cleaves which makes it fun to play , on feral you have 3m cd on 6sec duration wall that can get outplayed with a single 6 sec cc etc.

only thing lock needs rn is some nerfs on dots and i think lock is actually in a good spot and im enjoy playing it too , even in blitz you just aoe dot everything and press SB and MR on proc

I just played some 3s for fun. Every healer, no matter what class (aka 90% discs and rest being pala and occasional mw) just spam dispelled my dots. Are we back to spam dispelling UA because the damage is irrelevant? Or did i just miss something?

Warlock defensives are extremely strong. Ironically not strong enough to go toe-to-toe with some of the currently more overtuned specs, but strong nonetheless.

I’ve had a couple of Ferals playing the all-in Zerk meme 100-0 me through 40% Wall + Pact within Rake > Bash > Rake on Destruction where I don’t have Soul Link with 24% Vers.


yeah feral damage is overtooned too don’t get me wrong , but feral defensives are weak and mobility feral has can be countered by most of melee nowadays.

but with lock i can relax and spread aoe dots without my hp jumping like a blood dk when im on my feral etc

yeah ive seen it happen on my lock so many times :joy: and im lmao everytime they dispell ua , after he dispells you reapply ua to be dispelled again and guy commits sudoko :rofl:

Depends what you’re playing against tbh.

Against other Wizards Warlocks are basically a cheat code. Against some melee such as Rets, most DHs and your average FotM Fury zugoid it’s pretty comfy. They usually have a decent matchup into Rogues, which is nice given their propensity for being utterly game warping.

Ferals, DKs, Windwalkers and good Warriors (a dying breed lmao) will run you down and slaughter you with little to no counterplay, oftentimes through multiple defensive cooldowns - especially so in dampening.

Map RNG and the availability (or lackthereof) of a Z-axis can skew this a little in either direction, but all in all Warlocks as a class are a horrifically designed mess that is in desperate need of a rework from the ground up. They’re miserable to play even at the best of times (BFA Destruction, Shadowlands Demonbolt memes, DF Demo? Idk I stopped by then, current Affliction) and nobody enjoys playing against them when they’re even remotely viable.

Signed, a Warlock player kek.

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IT Was deathbolt :joy:

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Deathbolt was another great meme for Affliction, but Demonology had its own gimmick when they randomly decided to buff the Necrolord specific legendary through the roof and it made the spec giga busted overnight lmao.

They like halved the cast time of Decimating Bolt, made the buff it gave you undispellable, and also buffed Balespider’s iirc? You’d end up 2-3 shotting people with instant cast Demonbolts. 10/10 hearty kek.

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