[A/H][8/8HC/4/8M] Don't Laugh at Alpacas-Ravencrest|Goal is CE


Currently 8/8HC and 4/8M.

We’re a group of friends who enjoy raiding and pushing for CE.
We aren’t super hardcore, but we do take progression seriously while trying to keep things laid back. We are raiding 2 nights a week(Wed-Sun 19:00-22:00).

However, we are def looking for active players. If your goal is to just raidlog, I don’t think we are a good fit for you. Nor if you are planning to not be active with the guild. We want to see you doing M+, and other content, to consistently work on your character.

Right now, we’re specifically looking for the following:

  • Pres Evoker
  • Any player who plays their class well and is committed to WoW
    We do accept socials and M+ players.

Feel free to reach out on Bnet to “Shamainy#2542” or “SwankyPants#2314287”.

Just DM us on Bnet if you’re interested in raiding!

Edit: I should add we don’t care what server or faction you are on/in.


here to comment something quirky

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Hey there! Swanky here.

Since i’ve been lootbanned you are welcome to join guild and have my share of loot!

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oh damn, whats this? a place where we DONT laugh at alpacas? sign me up champ! Lets all wipe 1000 times on bosses and laugh about how our guild leader is stealing all the loot!

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OI what the heeeeck ;_;

Hi, I’m the back massage officer, everyone gets one before and after each raid.

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Updated post!

Hello! Me and my 3 friends are looking for the right guild. We are experienced with mythic raiding and always keep our gear up-to-date. Let me know if you are interrested. 1 thing is that we can only raid 19-21.30 due to real-life conditions. We are Tank/healer/dps/dps


hello Zorah!~

Unfortunately we would not be able to accommodate neither the roles you require or lowing raid times to 19:00-21:30. We already feel like 6h raiding per week to push CE is tight and 5h is for sure just gonna constrain that even more!

But thank you for showing interest and I hope you find what you are lookin’ for!

Mage found, we updated post to reflect current open slots!

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Updated post to reflect current needs.
Unfortunately a healer had to step away for IRL reasons.

And response to Magikol:
Hello!~ Currently we are not in need of a mage.
Thank you for your interest!

hey we are still looking for

  • Preservation Evoker
  • Druid DPS

Post updated to reflect current needs. C:

Need ankle biter kitty

or giga starfire gamer

hey we are still looking for

  • Resto Shaman
  • Laser-chicken (Boomkin Druid)
  • Hunter (Range)
  • Any Ranged DPS (Pref dev Evoker)

Updated for current needs.

We are still looking for to move into Mythic with

  • DK DPS
  • Mage DPS
  • Warlock DPS

Updated post with current needs. <3

We are still looking for to move into Mythic with

  • DK - DPS
  • Warlock - DPS