ACT! So it was you who made my AH freak out! I had the same idea but kept saying “Not Available”, haha!
You don’t need to when someone is usually a Discord/In-game message away from crafting it for you from Sorcerous Fire that was going for 13 silver a piece when the prisms were up for 990G. Yes, you can also DM me, my Death Knight can craft these too.
This isn’t just a choice of convenience of sparing yourself from loading times.
To answer the multiple replies: I know how the AH works and it’s not about paying a slight convenience fee at AH, which is fine. It’s to warn that someone has decided to massively increase the price and keep those artificially up.
This post isn’t about me, I don’t care if those items are 5g or 2k gold, I do care if someone tries to fleece the whole community on the AH. We pay enough during pve in repair, consumes, enchants, to give more gold when we wanna RP.
Where I need the help is to post the consumables at a fair price, a proper markup, so the effort to supply the community is constant as I can’t do that by myself only.
And since people did that, I can now buy the items: markup’s good, I’m giving gold to roleplayers, and I’m not fleeced dry by someone trying to profit off of us.
TBH a 200 gold buyout price for an item that requires a material that costs 16 silver is still a tremendous ripoff.
I agree with the %markup, but if people spend time supplying and posting every two days so the RP consumables stay cheap, I don’t see that as a problem as this item has a lot of uses. And if you wanna lower it to 50 gold or less, be my guest too, but you’ll quickly understand keeping at this low price takes more energy than it’s worth.
I’ve understood how the market works a decade and a half ago; The point still stands that 200 gold is still a ripoff, whether it’s done by a roleplayer or not. That previously some gremlin was selling it at 1K was simply a worse scenario.
Are you going to fix it then? I really don’t mind lowering the price, but I can’t do that alone.
Edit: I’m not the one selling them at 200g.
I’d love to if I had the recipe on my Jewelcrafter - However that will only be 3 days later.
It doesn’t change my point. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Guess if the prices are still exorbitant by then I’ll flood the AH with prisms on Wednesday.
I will get the recipe as I want to craft them for personal use anyway rather than committing daylight robbery on the AH.
Looks like cheap consumables are back on the menu.
A small update on this as I have been putting up prisms for 15.99G for the past 2 days, only for this well-balanced individual buying all of them and putting them back up 800G and 2500G per piece:
Now I do have 20000 more sorcerous fire at hand and can put up more, but this person seems very, very adamant to continue fleecing the community.
Oh no, how can you name&shame?!
Don’t care, I’ll eat a forum vacay to point out bad actors.
This has sadly been a trend on RP servers on most any MMO since the dawn of time.
Transmogs are also incredibly more expensive, typically, than they are on other servers. On FF14 for example I regularly find myself hopping to another realm to quickly save some 80% of the price on some gear.
your work is appreciated, now that I play Horde I can send that person a really nice message
yep, “rpers are just lazy or don’t care to do content so I’ll just take advantage of that” has always been a trend. it’s kinda sad that roleplayers tend to do it too for an easy buck
I love capitalism.
I tried to do the same a while back, and it worked for some time but then they went right back to doing it back. Same person then, too.
Roleplayers are their own worst enemies. As if bragging about fleecing your own kind while putting the fake fake super wholesome chungus face on at the same time is an honourable or worthy act deserving praise.
yeah voidmon but you do it for 750g less or something so of course you’re a hero
I crashed the economy on Hydraxian Waterlords by undercutting Tailoring and Enchanting materials below market price.
Prisms are in the process of getting dragged back down to a reasonable price by force. No I will not stop. They will either give up or keep feeding me small amounts of gold.
Yeah 15g is too low when they are trying to buy you out, unless you’ve got a lot of free time and can just craft more as soon as they are bought.
This is the way.
They lost all rights to complain when they thought convenience outweighs due dilligence, they deserve to be fleeced, like the idiots who pay 800$ for a bottle of above average red wine just because its from a known and old brand.