[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

And we move into elf lands today, some of us anyway, some will still be in Booty Bay.

Recruitment is temporarily on hold until after the Silverpine campaign, so says our glorious Orc overlord and her thunderous thighs.


And with the campaign over we’ve returned to Ogrimmar.

The city that never changes. Though all the portals seem to have vanished.


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I remember these people from the boat-journey to Stormsong when my char was being held captive by the goblins. Can say they’re a nice bunch to rp with!

When they’re not using you as target practice for mean words and their leader stabbing you in fist fight :smile:
Still love 'em tho


I had so much fun RPing with you in the Campaign! I hope to see you in the future as well! Based on that I’d recommend the guild for people, they seem awesome!


Looking forward to bumping into you again <3 You were awesome to RP with in every way, shape, and form <3


And after another long, eventful and enjoyable trial we say hello to two new scales.

Gaeyl and Arlux (Emberblast).

Grats gals!


Get dabbed on.

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Probably ded

Currently still in Orgrimmar with two new sisters joining us.

NB: During the next week (23rd) contracts/recruitment may be difficult until the 16th, as Big Boss (Rakihu) is likely to be super busy.

So if you do contact us and nothing seems to move forward during that time, that would be why.

We will still be RPing in Ogrimmar however so do feel free to prod, poke, drink and RP with all the great girls.

Only do it if you don’t mind getting bullied…

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We secretly love you Thro!


And after a brief excursion into Silvermoon, the Sisterhood is once again back in Ogrimmar. Drinking. Judging.

Criticising your wine list.

My, your wine lists are the worst.

One of our elves lost an arm. Can we rebuild her?
Of course.

Duct tape. Lots an lots of duct tape.

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What did Alryette do now…


And after a long and eventful trial we say hello to two new scales:

Alryette & Romeli.

Grats girls!


You may all bow to your new undead overlord.

And the elf.


A job complete, a brand new sister, and shenanigans afoot all contained with us in Orgrimmar! (For now)


Last I met these deadly ladies, I was sadly in chains due to some dastardly goblins. I hope our next encounter will not involve chains, for the one encounter I had with them was very nice, even if it was a good while ago.