[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

Your tearing me apart, Ember!

Don’t listen to them, they killed them.

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Truth be told, though, I can’t even edit the title let alone OP because the thread is from the old forum but opening a new one will mean it could be locked if a reply isn’t posted for 30 days. :roll_eyes: This is much more comfortable for time being.

Incidentally, we only need to bump it so long as the statement in the title proves true. :open_mouth: Shockingly convenient.


Guess im Bumping along, worth the lil engagements also…

I think Throgann may be on to something.

Yes, getting my dignity destroyed by them 24/7

You’re looking at it the wrong way, you are being surrounded by a group of lovely women that may or may not be part of a murder cult.


This murder cult already broke bones of my human, I know their nature…

You dable with humans?!


Times like this I’m sure somebodies kept me out of the loop.

Still leaning heavily into recruitment and currently also looking for colloberations, possible contracts etc. If there’s any that you feel needs a group of hedonistic woman with daggers, do please contact us.

In a more internal matter, on a now… three? day initiation for one of our new guys. We don’t sleep. Ever.

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We’re still getting a queue of potential initiates, but I wish some of them were goblins, trolls, or undead too. You know. Variety. :o

That being said, the current line-up is looking fab, if they pass their trials!

On an off-note, there’s a rumor not yet going around that some of the scales may secretly be tested for ascension into the mysterious vestiges of the fangs. Shhh.

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No! More elves, only elves. Knife ears for life.

Hush and put your hair back up. You look ridiculous.

Less elves. Far less elves. In fact next elf to join, we kill a carrot. A baby carrot. Fair warning.

How about more ORCS

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Have a feeling one off our elven sisters will return looking like an orc…

I only sacrifice rivals and enemies to the bloo…

oh look a squirrel!

A small reminder for anybody considering applying that we’re not an event-driven guild and membership requires investing interesting into your own character! How else could you expect us to RP with you? :>

We’re currently hired to murder. Well, two of the girls are, but soon we have an upcoming adventure in various ruins and cities that will involve avoiding the authorities and witnesses. A lot!

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Is that a personal attack or something :dagger:

This guild vaguely reminds me of this:

I guess that’s a good thing.

Damn it. Our initiation process has been discovered!

I used to play a wudang, you know. That game has the most dedicated combat and transition animations I have ever witnessed. Sheathing a weapon and unsheating it has never been so satisfying.


Heavenly demon here hehe