Illegal Armaments
Valley of Strength
During the time of the True Horde, Ankor was pretty much the Warchief's best friend. Not only an orc but an importer of questionable goods, he used to fuel the war machine as an overlord at the time. These days? His men are strongarming the craftsmen while the grunts are forced to turn a blind eye. Why? Funny you should ask.
Ankor is feeding a share of his azerite trafficking to the Warchief's favorite lapdog, and we wouldn't be surprised if even she knew. Removing him would probably get us into more trouble than we'd like. Not only is he the only one willing to back Luo Yi to save his own enterprise, but he's no doubt unofficially under the local guard's protection. In fact, rumor has it his bodyguards work for the local guard; a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.
Now, rumor also has it that he isn't a friend of Boovema. The other crime lords? Nothing indicates that he would care if anything happened to them so long as they weren't out for him.
If I were to venture a guess, going after Boovema or doing Luo Yi a favor or two would open up negotiations with Ankor and give us access to some of that sweet, sweet azerite.
Maybe even an iron starlet asset or two.
10/10/2018 08:07Posted by IrlenraOh by the way am looking for a shady contact from back home should anyone feel like being the magic wielder that enhances my items for me and gets a hold of items i cannot find out in the big world.
Someone call for a sassy socialite? Time is on your side, my dear ;)
Will give it until Monday, and if he doesn't turn up we'll simply figure it out in a delayed timeframe.
Meanwhile! Raki has her eyes on a snugly piece of property... coule be fun, a fort of our own... and maybe allow for human recruits in the future? Wink wink nudge nudge for the herd? :3
Oh, yes, and a few applicant spots just opened up.
Come, come :>
Formerly inactive sisters get their original statuses back upon reinvitation!
One for blunt, one for sharp. Yay!
All of them!
It's complicated, okay?
More Elves for da horde!
*throws down smoke bomb and poofs in a fit off coughs*
We may need to consider upping our prices, I mean look at that stunning display!
I resent this recent anti-elf sentiment!
You’re all so mean.
The thread just told me that I am not allowed to edit the title or the OP.
Also, we currently have five open candidate slots and two applicants lined up who have yet to approach us IC!
We furthermore have 3 player characters interested in our services, 2 of which are opposing sides pursuing the same goal. Exciting!
Lastly we are working on a little private project before we get in everybody’s faces again. More importantly, the initiates are. Is this promotion-related!?
Remember, as an initiate you will not be sent on assassination, sabotage or combat missions until you’re declared ready, but you can still work your way to your promotion by actively interacting with your fellow sisters and running errands/gathering intelligence/playing lookout when called upon!
Come December, our goal will be to reintroduce some of that sweet social game-time! Insult games, drinking games, social stealth games - and even a physical game here and there!
And perhaps a puzzle once in a while.
Sisterhood: any excuse for a drink.
the curse of the turkey has struck this guild
I just had this character concept I will never find time for: A torturer who does what she does because she primarily considers herself a dark fantasy novelist and needs the experience and/or inspiration to put her work to paper.
… What? Too dark?
Oh. And her favorite subjects would be people with turkey shooters, of course. Like Belok.
Someone ask for a fantasy novelist? Alry -does- need some new employment…
Absolutely not accepting any applicants until mid-December!
I’m just a lowly elf and I approve this message
I’m just a random orc who had his best friend intimidated by these women, I love them already.