[A/H-PvE] - Defense of Pandaria Campaign. Campaign finished!

Individual: Tenwu Bearhardt
Faction: Neutral ( Horde )

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Listed for da horde.

Both listed up!

Group: The Storm-Touched
Group Leader(s): Tepuk, Kora’je
Group Number Estimation: 4-8
Faction: Neutral (Horde)

Though often playing a more antagonistic role in events that we’ve taken part in in the past, Pandaria is quite dear to the variety of trolls and the Sethrak that accompanies them - hopefully the Mogu don’t remember the old alliances they made with them…


Welcome to this campaign! Listed. You and your guildies can join the discord server :slight_smile:

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Jessina’s campaigns have always had an epic scale to them and I thoroughly enjoyed them. I definitely won’t miss this one, just have to decide on which character I’ll participate!

Glad to see you back doing campaigns, Jessina!


I like doing them when i got time :slight_smile: that being said i likely will have another campaign cooking for the end of May, or otherwise sometime later in the year.

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Great, good to see some campaigns pop up again, it has been quiet on that front for some time, I suppose!

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Individual: Harold Black
Faction: Alliance/Neutral

Willing to DM, provide events where needs be.

I’ll sign you up for alliance and DM. Join the discord and you’ll get the proper ranks and will be notified of a meeting for DM’s in the near future!

Guild: The Goldmane Regiment
Guild Leader(s): Marian Silverblade/Raloth Scarfalk
Guild number estimation: 5-10
Faction: Alliance

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Signed up! You and your guildies can join the campaign discord.

Guild: The Ashen Talon
Guild Leader: Elaria Aeon
Guild Number Estimate: 6-7
Faction Neutral (Horde)

Signed up as Horde (Neutral).
Welcome to the Campaign. You n your guildies can join the discord. If any members are officers you can contact me about it or have them mention it as they join to receive the correct rank.

A pre-campaign meeting is in the planning for both Alliance and Horde.

Proper dates will be set. Expected to be in the last week of March, a few days to a week before the campaign begins.

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With the death of N’zoth being generally agreed on being yesterday (March 11, release of last LFR wing) how will it reflect the campaign?

While N’zoth is dead (and his forces seemingly snapped, if the cinematic is anything to go by - minus cultists I guess) there will still be remnants of other enemies to mop up. The Mantid may have lost their empress and by now must be running very short on champions and veteran troops, but if anything that only means that now is an opportunity to pressure them further.

I doubt we will be attending as we have already been here for months, and generally follow our own plans, but I am sure there is enough left to do to justify going out for a scrap.

This is something that has been on my mind in general speaking because the campaign does entertain the whole N’zoth invasions. But after all these months the Vale’s guardians will also have taken a heavy beating. Mantid always come in big swarms and there should be plenty remnants left to deal with. I will likely make some changes to the story to better fit the idea of, the invasion being over. But it should not affect the campaign in a way where it’s not possible.

As for Horde, they have the Yaungol to deal with, with some small changes, they can proceed as planned.

You’re welcome to join if you desire, otherwise, have fun with whatever you got going on! :slight_smile:

Individual: Cialryn Dawnshine
Faction: Alliance

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I’m not sure if I can really attend properly, but if I will make it, then I’d gladly join the campaign (if you allow me!).

Individual: Alyndaria Ruth O’Brien
Faction: Alliance