[A/H-PvE] - Defense of Pandaria Campaign. Campaign finished!

Individual: Benjamin Maroon
Faction: Alliance

Already signed up with an Alliance guild.

Would like to put down my Blood Elf Paladin as a Horde Individual.

ā€œMeraleth - The Blackwardā€

Hello - is it too late to maybe sign up as an individual, with perhaps two more, if they come? =)

Would like to join in with my guild.
Guild: The Drunken Fortune
Guild Leader: Rollo Carlton
Numbers: 3-8
Faction: Alliance

Individual: Kristeas Sunbinder
Faction: Horde

Healer coming for your not quite so dead.

Mechagnome! signed up.

Added to the list!


Signed up!

Yes, you can sign your friends up, just tell me their character names as well as yours, which faction they play etc.

Signed up!

Signed up!

Sign ups for the campaign are now closed. Iā€™m willing to sign a couple individuals up if they are late but complete guilds can no longer sign up!

This so we can prepare our expectations for events and how many DMā€™s we will require depending on the amount of people we have per faction.


Individual: Kayaariad
Faction: Alliance

(I fully understand if I canā€™t join, thatā€™s okay, I just found out about this today)

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As mentioned i donā€™t mind a couple of late individuals joining so all good! Signed up.

Individual: Isariah Silvermane
Faction: Alliance

Another latecomer here, sorry! Campaign was recommended to me very recently by my friend Karth, and Iā€™m quite eager to get into some RP with a new character <3


All good! Signed up.

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Hi friend! Sorry for the late reply! :smiley:

My guild only has four people, but at the moment, itā€™s very likely Iā€™ll be the only one in attendance as an individual ^^ Unfortunately though, I might not be able to make the entire thing! D:

So just:


If thatā€™s okay! :slight_smile:


If you need any help DMing these events, Iā€™m very happy to run a few! :slight_smile:

Individual: Aeneon Swiftroot
Faction: Alliance

Also late, but Iā€™d like to throw in a tentative sign-up if possible. Completely fine if not.

Daveth Cooper has changed to William Rumford for the Campaign. Please do not remove him when seen. Thank you <3

I know it says here sign-ups are closed. But I was told about this campaign yesterday and only directed to this thread this evening. Iā€™d love to come as an individual!

Individual: Mavien Meledor
Faction: Alliance.

All good, listed.


The trio Bingzak, Buo Shao and Hazhuo Blazebread prepared some delicious dinner for the Horde forces tonight. Spiced Eternal Blossom soup with Emperor salmon! Spiced bread, courtesy of the Blazebread Bakery, was offered along with it!

Thanks for everyone who took a bowl, see you tomorrow!



Had a lot of fun with everyone on this Campaign and it was fun being able to organise it. Big cheers for everyone who took their time to pop around and join into the events. Iā€™m hoping i can provide such entertainment again in the upcoming Campaign!


I had fun, will definitely be there at the celebration.
Hopefully there wonā€™t be any phasing issues!

Your faithful medic