[A/H] <Reign> is recruiting for season 2! AOTC

:crown: Reign is recruiting!! :crown:

Reign is looking for chill HC raiders aiming for AOTC. We are a solid team without drama, no nonsense that just want to game and enjoy a good time whilst going at the raids or pushing keys. We’re an 21+ bunch with lives outside of WoW and enjoy the social element of chatting, raiding and running keys together. Adults, who have adult lives where WoW is our escape. Our team currently ranges between the ages of 23-57 from different walks of life. We are open to cross-faction players. We’re looking for people who understand that real life is a thing and wants to relax and enjoy the ride, but also understand when we need to focus and get the job done :wink:

Previous Progression
Amirdrassil - 9/9 HC

The War Within:
Nerub-Ar Palace 8/8 HC

Currently Recruiting

:shield: : Tanks - closed
:crossed_swords: : DPS - 1-2 spots open, no ret paladins pls!
:ambulance: : Healer - closed

All applicants are considered but please be aware of the above.

We are hoping to find a few more like minded players to add to our team :beers:

Raid Times
Mondays - 20:30-23:00hrs ST
Fridays - 20:30-23:00hrs ST

You can reach out to me;
wicce, on discord, or
wicce#2631 on battlenet!

Still spots available as the patch is starting! :blush: