[A/H-RP-PvE] Trouble in Plaguelands (July 7-16) *discord is open!*

Looks interesting!

Individual Sign-Up:

Name: Reodeyn Ashenspire
Faction: Horde

Both signed up!

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Guild: Decree of the Keepers
Guild Leader(s): Sir Louis Ulf Gjallahad (Loulftan)
Guild number estimation: 2-7 Max
Faction: Alliance

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Signed your group up!

Guild: The Blackward
Guild Leader(s): Karvach, Chucklegrin, Duramortem, Thalliath
Numbers: 15-22
Faction: Hjƶrde

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Listed up for da Hjƶoorde.

Please can I sign up as an Individual!
Indvidual: Grizzik Sparkshank (Grizzik)
Faction: Horde (Neutral!)

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Yes you can! Signed up.

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Individual: Durina Konresh

Faction: Alliance

Iā€™d love to sign up, please!
Individual: Nerisen Cindersong
Faction: Alliance

Sounds intresting to say the least
Individual: Juilanna Ward
Faction: Alliance

All are listed!

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Signing me up as Tentative, if there are still slots open.

Individual : Landers Animaā€™mea Tempestas (actual character name: ThemardĆ©rus)
Faction : Alliance

If the balance is off and more hordes are needed, I could go on another character
So in case hordes are needed:
Individual: Shieal Dragonsky
faction: Horde.

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Should be no problem if alliance has more or Horde has more. Tis a PVE campaign after all

Signed up!

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cool, iā€™d like to sign up

Individual: Magnus Vicker
Faction: Alliance

Signed up on the list!

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Iā€™d like to sign up
Character: Saarela
Faction: Horde
Guild: None

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Listed as Horde!

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I shall be there to annoy you all.
No mine fields this time.

Or wiil thereā€¦


Time to make one!

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