Name: Muldav / Vashu
Guilds: Night Shift / Requiem
Hoping to reconnect with: Night Shift people (I see you Asukachan) and Requiem players
Name: Muldav / Vashu
Guilds: Night Shift / Requiem
Hoping to reconnect with: Night Shift people (I see you Asukachan) and Requiem players
Ow jesus, you are the reason I started playing as a rogue and pretty much never deviated from my main. Mad respect to you sir. So glad to see you back. What server are you going to play on, if I may ask?
Small update: seems like a big portion of alliance people are going to gehennas. (Old DoV, Sotg + others). See u there!
Looking for members of Veterans, TBC/WoTLK.
Going to Gehennas with a bunch of Swedish buddies.
See you there perhaps.
Hey Hey!!!
Mao lvl 60 Tauren Warrior (tank)
Was tanking in the top 3 guilds of the server along with Darkstorn
I don’t really remeber your names guys but i was tanking everywhere. raids, crusader orbs farming, pvp later on…
Hopefully you will remember me and reach out
p.s. 1 we had a guild trial run on UBRS and failed the first time… Then passed with flying colors
p.s. 2 i know this is a shot in the dark but memory doesn’t serve so well
See you around
Hey Truedeath! I’m good thanks. I wish I had as much time to play classic as I did vanilla, but I’ve got responsiblities now. I can’t see myself going for the higher PVP titles, but that’s my aim.
I remember you I think, I joined Veterans when Brains folded into them and raided from MC on with my troioll priest ergo.
Vr Orc Hunter
Kokonut Orc Hunter
Hovedpine - priest
Tæskeholdet / Danir
Name: Hemske
Class: Rogue (alt Mage called Trimack?)
Guild(s): So is your face & Rapture
I was on Al’Akir for a short time during Vanilla but mostly through TBC where I played with some the best & funniest people I found in WoW, I’m still in contact with a lot of you but if anyone else remembers me and wan’t to get in touch, don’t hesitate.
Battlenet: Hemske#2155
Discord: Hemske#6343
Name: .bat, Ronjar, Healbot…
Guild: Shadow Legion
Battlenet: bat#1366
Seeing there already is some familiar names in here, hit me up, I’d love to get in touch again
Name: Kleptocarl / Kleepto
Class: Rogue / Shaman
Guilds: Darkstorm, Night shift, Veterans
Hoping to reconnect with: All the alliance i have ganked in Al’Akir, so I can make a new parody video with Grim. (Total Penetration II)
And all the Darkstorm members, anyone in classic?
Knowles - Elusive - Undead Rogue
Aminger - Bloodline/Convicted/No Danger/Some other guild in Wotlk/ and socially with WTF in WoD. (I was post surgery and not really able to play as much as I tried) - I didn’t enjoy WoD after levelling though.- not really enjoyed BFA either - so gone back to Classic as a Druid this time. - on SHazzrah though people I know seem to be on Skullflame or other servers- so will see if transfers ever come.
Did you ever get your Bloodfang Gloves?
Jabez - Undead Priest (loved Devout)
I recognise a few names here already from WTF back in the day!
Killgore - Tauren Warrior
I’ve betrayed the horde and now I’m in Stature of the Gods on Bloodfang.
Jabez :o
Whisky Tango Foxtrot is going strong on Flamelash, we’re running two full raid groups currently and a bunch of us from vanilla are playing again.
Hey Bat <3
Long, long time no speak.