(All Horde - Event) Grand Thalassian Tournament 27-29/9 🏆

:pray: This is da wae.
Excited to see all of you compete!!


Letter sent.
Gold spent.

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What’s your stance on the post-Sin’dorei?

They represent a bit of a gray area and whilst IC we are not fans of the undead in general, we allow Forsaken to partake in the tournament and thus also undead bloodelves.

Since they still qualify as bloodelves, they can absolutely sign up for the duel and jousting section in coherence with the same rules applying. Naturally they will have to rely on martial prowess like anyone else and not pull an Arthas 2.0 in the midst of battle :smiley:

If it is a -Death Knight- IC then they can’t participate however, because Death Knights last we checked are an insanely powerful creation that would absolutely obliterate their opposition in these contests as they possess an unnatural super strength that could be seen as inherently cheating. Same goes for Evoker and DH, of course.

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Fair enough, at least if given a runeblade.

Another update has been in for the list! :sunglasses: though August is still some time away this is heavily anticipated to the show of “good” sportsmanship.
Someone should also bring a popcornstand…

Your name missing from the list? Make sure to follow the instructions under the Signing Up bracket in the main post! The list sees an circa weekly update, and all confirmed signees shall also receive an ingame mail of this! :person_fencing:

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:exclamation: IMPORTANT :exclamation::
With the recently announced exact release date of WoW’s newest expansion: War Within, the Organizers have decided to postpone the Tournament to not conflict with this grandiose Event.
New dates are as updated: 27th - 29th of SEPTEMBER giving everyone the oppertunity to waste away their time in August as true sweatshirt gamers. :pray:

Sign Ups
All of those that have signed up will automatically remain signed up and do NOT need to resign.
If you are however, unable to make it to the new announced dates we ask you to reach out to the Organizers through ingame mail so your signup fee can be properly refunded.

It is only delayed for a month… But it shall feel like an eternity until we see the Horde’s FINEST clashing in non-lethal competiton. (Looking at you Orcs)


Looking forward to this tournament and hope that some more bloodelves will sign up to kick some undead behind @Corpsegrin :wink:

Character Name: Sunarch
In-game Name: Thaladris Sunarch
Guild: The Watchers
Contest: Archery, Duels

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