Alliance player looking for guild

So this is my active alt, she’s only 110 at the moment but I’m looking for a guild who would be willing to let me join. I’m looking for a guild which is social, active and friendly so I can make friends and not have to worry about the guild being inactive or disbanding etc.
I don’t have money for server transfer so would ideally like to stay on Quel-Thalas but I will make a new character if I need to (If I am able to stay on this server I’ll also bring along my main).
At the end of the day I would like some friends to play WoW with after playing on my own for about a year. I’m an active player with a lot of free time so hopefully someone is interested. :slight_smile:

Edit: I love doing M+ groups as well as guild raid nights if that helps :slight_smile:

Please add me,



We’ve just set a fairly fresh guild up on Chamber of Aspects - I know it doesn’t suit you server wise but we’re a friendly, casual guild filled with mostly irl friends at the moment plus some others!

check us out here if you’re interested!

I like to be candid, so we aren’t that big as we’re still growing, but if that doesn’t bother you, get in touch!

Hey mate.
I’m a returning player! I’ve been playing alone the whole time too :slight_smile: Add me on discord and lets have a chat! Fafke#6897

Hey, I sent you a friend request on bnet. :slight_smile: