Alliance racials nerfed

And dwarves were able to drop the tank debuff of Zul without needing paladin Blessing of Protection to my knowledge, which removed a large chunk of focused healing from the tanks that healers could allocate to a different individuals, or use more mana to DPS instead.

Same with the tank bleed on Conclave of the Chosen in BoD, but I wouldn’t count that since both factions had access to dwarves there (just like Alliance had access to trolls, considerably more trolls than what the Horde had mind you if the stats from realm pop could be delieved from that time.) Both Worgen and Night Elves turned into trolls from the Alliance side.

I always find it questionable when someone brings Jaina up. Alliance had access to the exact same racials as Horde did on her.

Stoneform broke the Stone Legion Generals fight, and mind you this is the only fight where Stoneform and the vial does not work. It works on every other bleed so Alliance still has their advantage (just like they always do when a bossfight has bleed of any form.)

As to the whole KJ fight it only affected priests, and priests only. Beside priests and shamans none of the other players in Method’s roster on the kill vid were goblins.

Demon Hunters also broke the fight there, since double jump just countered the knockback, every single one.

They had two priests, and their shamans tend to go for goblin, so there were alteast three. Still, the point stands that priests were the ones that were struggling because they had a single orb phase that they couldn’t do anything with.

What Horde racial negates a raid encounters core mechanics again?

Also you should be happy they’re taking action before all the top guilds flop Alliance and it causes yet another unrest. Blizzard would make money by letting this racial go ahead as is.

If the situation which people were planning on using had been horde side, Blizzard wouldn’t have changed anything at all.

Typical behavior really, those who are on the side benefiting the most telling those who are hard done by to get gud :confused:

I love your look

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If it wasn’t that blatant a benefit to the Dwarf racial, then why were they rolling Dwarves, if not to take advantage of it?

Seriously, It either was badly tuned, enough so that they did that, or it wasn’t badly tuned, in which case it would still be the same.

If this wasn’t a way to gimp the system, then why would these people have spent real life cash to faction transfer? What would have been the point.
If it was just a case of “Blizz Hates Alliance!!!” then why did they also change the boss so that the system could not be gimped by people with the Kyrian Flasks? Because like, Horde can get those too?

Surely if it was just as simple as ‘Blizz hates Alliance’ then they wouldn’t have changed the effects of the damage, but would have just nerfed the Dwarf Racial, and left the Kyrian Flasks alone.

But they didn’t Nerf the Dwarf Racial.

They changed how the mechanics worked, in a way that will effect both Factions and avoid -anyone- just negating the boss.

If you read this thread, right? It’s topic title is. “Alliance Racials Nerfed”

Now even if they -Had- Nerfed the Dwarf Racial, which they had not. The title is a lie. Alliance Racials (Plural) were not nerfed.

It is a double Lie because in fact no Alliance Racial, was actually Nerfed. The dwarf Racial has not been nerfed.

So the thread title is based upon two blatant lies and mistruths.

What happens? People start screeching about Nerf’s that have not happened and Horde Bias, when the Horde are actually in the same situation as Alliance trying to down the same boss!

That is why these threads can often seem a little pathetic.

No Substance, Two Outright Lies, and a level playing field.

Yet -some- Alliance players who did not read the article, can’t see that.

You see how frustrating it gets when people don’t check the facts?

Issue is, the raiding scene being as Horde-dominated as it is affects more than just the top 1% of playerbase. What the top-tier players do, the rest mimics. You can check on how much of a number advantage Horde has in any sort of raiding above Heroic (and no, not everyone aiming for Cutting Edge/part of the tier done in mythic is a hardcore player, some people just want to get something that even remotely challenges them done and doing so on Horde is much, much easier) and such a tendency only seems to continue over the years. This is indepentent of the racials and every top-tier guild being Horde does affect casual/semi-hardcore raiders on the Alliance side. The only solutions to this would be to either make Alliance racials super busted for something (which I honestly really don’t want them to do, and it’s a good thing that they nerfed the dwarf racials before Nathria went live), or to give us cross-faction play. Please, let the factions unite to fight the big bad as they have for the last few expansions lore-wise!

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Factions are too important for marketing.
No amount of in-universe logic will make them go away.

i have actually thought about this issue many times,
i love alliance, but i play horde for the last 3 expansions simply due to the fact that there is no endgame core on ally side.

Iv always assumed if they implemented it it would be some kind of variation from caverns of time, that you joined a multi faction group and you would see all players as Ally or horde based on your faction. there. problem solved

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