(Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN

So the purge has flown over sod today, if u got removed by accident please just open your community tab and re-join by using the code: BoLReWSqWo

This is amazing! Long have I waited for like-minded, good-natured, dungeon-scared people to band together and help each other. Joined on my timid tank. Hoping I can be of use (and learn some tanking, too).


A new purge of inactive members have been done. If u were removed by accident please re-join by using the code: BoLReWSqWo


Do you know If there’s a similar community for the Horde?

Yes, Zen Horde is supposed to be equivalent of this one :slight_smile: check them out:


If you do decide and join Zen Horde, you can use the invite link from the bottom of the post, not the one at the top to join the community :slight_smile:

Or you can add me via bnet and I’ll add you whenever engineersan#2776, we’d be happy to have more friends in the community.

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SoD is full again, since none of us mods are much in the mood of spending 2+ hours on fiddling with the buggy roster and do a proper purge, leave us a message here or send me a friend request on Discord: Elwing#4643 or add my battle tag: Spuda91#2129 and we will make a room for you :slight_smile:

If any of you devs happen to read this, add us a “Last online” feature pretty please :slight_smile: we all have a pretty tight schedule and sacrificing an hour or two from a limited playtime isn’t fun.

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And once again a reminder that sod is not a push community. We dont ask for rio, timeing keys (we try, but we dont ask for ppl that can time), ilvl and so on. If you put up a key u also take along those that say they want to join but also dont say yes to joining a +15 if you are gonna get oneshotted of every ability, ppl still wanna finish the key). Also we dont pug. If u are in a pug you have to say so when you ask for more members.

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Hello! So here’s my situation: Currently balance druid ilvl 467, decent DPS (I think), but I can’t seem to find any group that will accept me in Mythic+15.

To be completely honnest with you, I only need to complete one run to get the achievment and that sweet artifact cat form, but that doesn’t mean I won’t stick around to help others once this is done!

Well, to be completely honest… sod isnt the place you are looking for. Yes we have a few people that run m+15, but that is not the norm. Good luck on getting your achievment done :slight_smile:

Edit: that doesnt mean you cant join ofc, you might get lucky and someone posts a 15 key and you time it. Just wanted to let you know that thats not the most common keys to see in sod.


Pretty much what Sina says, the idea of SoD isn’t about timing keys, getting BiS gear and stuff like that.

It’s more about getting people to actualy do the dungeons, learn them and have fun doing them.

That doesn’t mean we don’t time keys, in fact I would say most of them are timed. But then again the average key level right now will be around 8-9. Some do higher, some do lower.

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PSA: Once again we did the purge. All characters that didn’t have Y mark were removed. As usual, plenty of alt characters or newly joined were probably removed too. So please just re-join again: BoLReWSqWo and fill out your member note. :slightly_smiling_face:

                       **NEW LETTER IS Q!**

P.S.: Can we have that last online column pretty please? :slightly_smiling_face:


Got room for more :hugs:

Thinking of joining. Mostly fussed about just having some fun and hopefully getting some gear upgrades. I try to be friendly but I’ll admit sometimes I can get a little snappy when pugging. Hopefully coming into the run with no pressure to time will ease things.

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Just open the community tab and paste in: BoLReWSqWo and u’re good to go. Hope you enjoy your stay in the community :blush:



Friendly bump to this awesome community! perfect for new and returning players

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There will be a purge of members without the Q note in the next days to clear up some room.

Our mighty leader have started the purge now. If you find yourself booted from the community, please re-join and make sure to set your member note to T! Thats right, new note is T! T T T T!

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