(Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN

Come along and join the fun :smile:


This looks wonderful! Are you still looking for people? My holy priest needs nice people to play with :slight_smile:

Always room for more :slight_smile:

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Up again :smile: still room for more people :slight_smile:

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And up again :hugs:

Status report!
So, it’s been a while since my last update. SoD reached quite a few milestones since then. Regarding raids, we have cleared all Normals we have available! Even Uunat!
Some time around March I think SoD started a cooperation with a Argent Dawn guild Fallen Dreamers, with them people interested in HC raids were able to get 9/9 HC BoD and the Ahead of the Curve Achievment last week. This is a mixed raid that takes place regularly on wednesdays and sundays eve, currently moving onto CoS HC.
Meanwhile, regular 3pm sunday raid is moving onto BoD HC too while we wait for new content release. Possibility due to demand to do a Normal Raids one evening in the week is on the horizon too.

What else, last 3 or so saturdays, one of our dear former SoDs started hosting Glory of achievments runs. Doing older raids to get those sweet mounts and transmogs, this looks like another highly successful activity in our calendar.

Regular M+ runs are happening. Learning M+ runs are happening. A lot of stuff is going on :slight_smile:

Last thing, we are curently very near the maximum capacity of the community (assuming it is 1000 characters could anyone confirm this to me? :smiley:)

Because of this, the officers team has started marking active players in the Member note with an X so if you are already a member and wondering why is the X there, it’s because of this.
In two weeks give or take we will clear the roster a little bit, starting with low level unmarked characters.

Think that’s all from me. Another update when I’ll remember the post again. Might be around our 1 year anniversary :slight_smile:

– Elwing


Why isn’t this thread pinned yet? :thinking::smiley:

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Cleared the roster a little bit as we were getting full.

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I, a simple noodle, approve of this community


If you can’t trust a noodle, what can you trust?

Noodles; wholesome, healthy, and they work with everything! Join now and be part of a special noodle evening with our organisers.

SoD: it’s like a guild, but you don’t have to be on the same server.


Coming back for 8.2 and looking for some new friends? Check out this lovely community :slight_smile:

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How to join? Link in 1st post doesn’t work :confused:

It works for me :thinking: anyways, the invite code is: BoLReWSqWo

Just open the community tab ingame, hit join community and paste in the code :blush:

We killed Illidan in TW tonight. That makes us better than at least 51.8% of pugs.


Venturing into normal eternal palace on sunday :+1: remember to check in game calendar for events to join :blush:

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This sounds like a really cozy community, I would love to be able to join.

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U’re welcome to join us, link to invite code can be found in the first post :slight_smile:

You… you can. It’s completely open and has free space.

We might need to purge some alts soon, we seem to be a little too popular for our own good :slight_smile:

oh wow, did i get purged? </3

Might have been someone being a bit rushed when purging :thinking: :cry: