(Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN

Alot of new members lately, hope u all enjoy your stay with us :slight_smile: dont be afraid to use the calendar in game to create events to get groups going, or post in the LFG section in our discord (info can be found in the community bulletin).

Still room for more ppl if u want to be a part of a friendly and relaxed community :smiley:

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Cleared the rest of not marked characters today, as always, apologies for any innocent casualties and feel free to rejoin.

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Will start marking active members with the letter Y from now on, so dont panic, it only means u are active and wont get removed :slight_smile:


Bringing this up again :raised_hands: we also have a classic guild on RP server hydraxian waterlords for those that are a bit scared to venture into classic dungeons or scared of pugging :blush:

Celebrating our one year anniversary now in september. Always room for more members :blush:


Always accepting new members, friendly and active community :slight_smile: Have a special event coming up for our 1 year anniversary on saturday - running of the gnomes! Please sign up and join our discord (find it in the bulletin ingame) for more details :smiley:


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I know were to go then :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Not sure how active it is though, seems like most of our members (like me) is content with playing retail :stuck_out_tongue: but just give me a poke if u want an invite :kissing_heart:

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Cleared almost 200 characters without the new “Y” mark. Lots of familiar names so as always apologies for innocent casualties and feel free to rejoin and fill out the member note :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just a friendly nudge from me.

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I’d like to do mechagon before 8.3, on my main (a gnome.) :heart_decoration:

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Please join the community and i’ll help u get it done :slight_smile:


I used the code and signed up as ‘Lilin’, applied for the Thursday thing.


Good :slight_smile: i wont be able to make it to that run, but hopefully it will fill up and be a nice experience for u. I’ve been a part of this community for a year now and have only good things to say, never experienced anything toxic or elitist.


Once again cleared almost 200 characters without the new “Y” mark. Lots of familiar names so as always apologies for innocent casualties and feel free to rejoin and fill out the member note :slightly_smiling_face:


Ruddy awesome group no toxicity and friendly players
come join us


Super chill and welcoming community! Bring a friendly attitude :smiley:


Remember to put a Z in your member note when u join the community, its the way we keep track of active members (silly 1k member cap….) :slight_smile:

Removed 200 characters with the “Y” mark. Apologies if some alts were removed, feel free to rejoin and fill that member note :wink:

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