Alliance Shaman & Horde Paladin Boosts?

I’m just waiting for wotlk…

ppl shouldent bump this topic, it’s toxic, idea’s from the OP is bad for the game and god forbid Blizzard actually seeing ppl supporting the bot boosting system

Toxic? Lol you sir win the award for making me laugh out loud today :slight_smile:

People like you are what is ruining the game. Please go play something casual that is worthy of your limited time commitments and stop undercutting the classic experience. (admittedly pretty much already dead due to boosters like you).

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More often than not, teenagers have time not money, and adults have money, not time. If you expect us “boomers” to keep playing, maybe embrace the boosts. I’d rather have more people active than people quitting due to the grind.

Work a few hours of overtime to afford a boost vs. spend a month trying to level a character to max. HM

I won’t get a boost, but that’s another story.

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“People like me” are not ruining the game, Blizzards lack of action towards bots is the problem. The boost itself is not the problem. simple minded people like yourself need to get a grip.

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