Allied Race Additions - Feel free to add them you never know!

Off the top of my head.

Taunka they joined the Horde around Lich king expansion adding them along with the High Mountain would be very welcome.

Broken add them to the Lightforge please, wait just add them to the core races they should of been around even before Lightforge.

Drust add them to the kul tiran in some way please.

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Snek plez. Ive wanted them since the reveal.

Edit: And it will never happen but id love more monster races. Ive always wanted Naga, but ever since legiom and the potion that turned you into a harpy and a dryad ive wanted both. Bouncing around dalaran as a dryad was actually very fun to do. Plus they are sick.

Maybe some could come as sub-race templates?

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No more allied races. If we really NEED new races, just make them full-fledged races.

I’d like to play an albino naga DK.

is there any need to keep calling them allied races? the new character creation screen has all the races listed together instead of the current screen which has Allied Races on a separate tab to the core races, so at this point they should just be called races, drop both core and allied going forward from Shadowlands.

but for new races I’d like to see I’d go with (I know some of these won’t be added).

Ethereal, Sethrakk, Faun, Kyrian, Venthyr, Vrykul, Botani, Jinyu and Mogu

Man’ari eredar
Forest trolls
Nathanos-like forsaken

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Gnolls for Horde.

No really, Playable Gnolls. The model skeleton exists, it is the Tauren one, just scale it down. They have -reason- to hate the Alliance, lets remember, The Kingdom of Stormwind is built on Gnoll Bones, Gnoll soil. Gnolls are clearly smart enough to work with others, we see them in many pirate crews, smart enough to band together with a clear hierarchy, and smart enough to if they wish, speak with perfect diction and clarity (Sayge)

If a RL culture was needed as a hook, in the way that we have for Dwarves, Gilneans, Tauren, Trolls etc, then why not that culture that has so many legends about Hyena’s anyway? Zulu and Masai culture.

Have three main social groupings of Gnolls,

Rainmakers. The Warriors and hunters of the Impi (Warband), (Rainmaker is an African nickname for Hyena’s, because of the tears they cause to fall, kinda the same as the western name ‘Widowmaker’)

Bonespeakers. The priests and Shamans, those of a more magical persuasion.

Marrow-Walkers. Those who crack to the centre of things, Rogues, Monks,

Their Religion? A Death Cult with a difference. They believe -everything- has value. What humans hear as horrible ululating laughter, and perceive as mockery as Gnolls charge them, is in fact a pre-emptive Prayer of Thanks to the soon to be dead human, for their bones will make weapons for the tribe, their sinew will make bowstrings for the tribe, their Skin will be tanned and make leather for the tribe, and yes, their flesh will be food for the tribe. Young Gnoll Cubs are cuffed around the ear if they do not utter thanks to the dead person whose skin makes the tent they live in, and famous enemies live on. “Listen cub, this is the Tent of Lieutenant Jonathan Parker, it is his skin that is the leather, look, here is his face! You will give thanks to Lieutenant Jonathan Parker, he died so that you are covered from the wind and rain!”

Basically, everything has value, living or dead, not in a financial way, but -value-, real material worth to the tribe.

Of course, humans will look at a Gnollish tent and recoil at the savagery of a tent with someone’s face in it, without realising this is an act of reverence, only to those who died well.

Racial Mounts could be those horrible old Desert Scavenger Lions, the ones that will eat anything, Less like Musafa, more like Skar!

Racial skills, hmm, I’d like it if they got the ability to skin humanoids the way Skinning works on animals. Gives a mats bonus which can be sold for cash.

Perhaps some sort of interrupt or even very brief fear effect by their ‘Laughter’, obviously with a cooldown.

But yeah, Playable Gnolls, thats where its at.

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