An appeal to Blizzard

  1. They need to consolidate realms on 10th of August first. Any characters who are not transfered by players either by provided FCT or using PCT will be unavailable to play for 2 weeks.

I am sure that fresh realm will use hardware of old consolidate realm(s), because why would Blizzard invest more money into it? Also Blizzard wouldn’t want to alianate returning players by locking them out of the game for 2 weeks, when everybody will be having fun in prepatch.

So my guess it goes as following:

  • August 10th realm consolidation.
  • August 24th (+2 weeks) consolidated characters unlock on new realms
  • August 24th Wrath of the Lich King prepatch
  • August 24th Fresh realm launch
  • 27th of September announced Wrath of the Lich King Classic launch

Why there should be anything done to human racials? Nothing new was done to Will of the Forsaken in Classic and TBC making 32% of the arena ladder consisting of them and about 30% of Orcs. You also got your disbalanced BG representation queues solved by introducing HvH. Now you want human racial nerfs?
By the way Horde got better PvE racials in Wrath with Trolls having micro 20% blood Lust without any downsides of health level requirements and Orcs got like extra trinket-like racial having healing recived debuff removed. This make Faction balance complete to opposite of what it was in Vanilla with most of PvPers joining Alliance and PvPers the Horde this time.

Fresh will be full of retail bypassers, who will play it only for 3 months before Dragon Flight Simulator™ release in detsember. However if Firemaw and Gehennas would be locked at that point and Fresh realm players finally deside that it is dying and to transfer off to Golemagg the abundance of Alliance PvPers from fresh will make Golemagg the new best balanced PvP Wrath megarealm. But we all know that is not going to happen as no one needs wPvP anymore.

Probably no faction changes untill Ulduar. Factions need to stabilise first with all returning, new players coming and Dragon Flight Stimulator™ bypassers leaving WotLKC in 3 months. After all lvl 68 boosts and premium editions would be sold to as many as possible they bring faction change. This will be especially significant, since humans will get stronger trinkets starting from t8, surpassing Orcs and Forsaken at that moment in PvP.

You are naive to think that Firemaw wasn’t inside job. Blizzard needed to remove players from Firemaw, because hardware solution was either costly or impossible, like they stated.

And the only way to do it without breaking Megarealm into two smaller realms was to sabotage Horde FOMO players into leaving to Gehennas.

Blizzard, however would be absolute right if they claim it was player desidions, because it was the Horde who willingly destroyed Firemaw 60:40-ish faction balance, having the opportunity that wasn’t ever announced.