And it's just like everyone guessed

By taking quotes out of context? O yes so “owned”.

The tears of the alliance are just like they were back in TBC.

A pvp queue fix, ruined the entire game for you. Imagine how horrible it must be to be on the alliance side if this is the reason to be butthurt.


Let’s be honest, they’re not any better in context.
You were gloating too.
Just own up to it instead of this, it’s pathetic.


Blizzard fixed their own part by adding HvH. Alliance players still don’t pvp. Horde queues are because of alliance farming dungeons instead of going bg-s.

Dont put all alliance in the same box when you have some blurbs acting like that on alliance side…

Litterly every alliance i know that doesnt go on the forums said that there needs to be a change, and for all posiibilities they should start to try with faction change free from horde -> alliance.

There was a reason they came with faction change in wotlk, and then mercenary mode far later and no same faction bgs at all.

Crying because Horde can play BG It’s Just dump and by immature Kids. Asking for an re-balancing of racials it’s okay.

we dont want alliance to be dead with no players that’s why.

Can we just disable racials in BGs? Problem solved, and 1 crying little elf-gurl can finally rest in peace.

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When I look at the forums, all I see are alliance crying about this. Have you actually known people that rerolled from alliance to horde because of this change?

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Fully agree with you, Blizzard’s Horde-favoritism is insane.

If they implement this change, no point to play anymore, just remove alliance from the game

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  • Introduce system from retail version of the game that favours Horde’s only erasing its overpopulation disadvantage in matchmaking, while not counter balancing it with System that benefits Alliance.
  • Lose money in a short term. But keep game from being jeopardised at Wrath launch with faction population going out of control, Wintergrasp unplayable (unless more HvH changes are made), Dalaran having this awkward empty part of the city breaking immersion, wPvP dead in its roots with IC PvP dailies seeming like out of context and every realm becoming de-facto PvE.
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im not even sure what your trying to say in your first bullet point tbh.

And lucky for us that wrath classic doesn’t exist yet. Once again another person pointlessly speculating about the future.

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