<Animosity> (1 day/week - sunday 19:00-23:00 ST) AOTC guild recruiting for TWW

Animosity-Defias Brotherhood [A] founded in 2007 is recruiting for TWW.

After raiding hardcore until the middle of legion we have become a more casual raid group. Our roster consists of mostly ex-hardcore raiders who have less time to dedicate to multiple raiding days and just want to have fun with some old friends/family and see the content while it is still relevant.

We have been getting ahead of the curve every raid tier and would consider going back into Mythic if we have the numbers.

We only raid one day a week (Sunday 19:00-23:00) and we actively do mythic+ together during the rest of the week.

All classes and specs are welcome and there is always room for social members!

To us the most important thing is the community we have built over the years, we are looking for people with the same mindset who want to make the most of the little raiding time we have while having a good time with friends.

If you think this is a place you could call home, don’t hesitate to wisper an officer ingame or contact me on bnet: Ayahuana#2854 or on discord: ayahuana

No longer in need of a tank, still recruiting other classes/roles!

We have a steady roster for hc, but still open to recruit some DPS & healers.