Here are some screenshots from the latest wardens moot!
Yesternight Elune’s Justice held an event in series opening of “Deathblossom” story arc! Here is a link post including all the assets made for the event:
Second part of Deathblossom series completed by Elune’s Justice! We’ve come to face a meeting of overwhelming power and the result of said hunt might’ve not been favourable for the Wardens.
Therefore, they’ll now have to find alternatives to face the enemy.
But here’s our assets used, with ambience music and even screenshots from the event!
Third part of Deathblossom series took two teams of players into the old ruins of Eldre’thalas. Here they’d discover the horrible experiments conducted by the Shen’dralar aswell as Reapers origins. Disposing of some fiends and collecting information on how to deal with the enemy.
Here are assets and some screenshots from the event of first and second team.
Elune’s Justice take on the Reaper with determination like never before. In posession of new knowledge we shall send him back to the afterlife!
Here’s our event intro cinematic made by Fylin’del. More to come soon!
We’ve finished the Deathblossom series a couple weeks ago and here come our visual assets used in the event! And if you scroll through you may even find a small meme!
Video used in the event coming soon aswell!
As promised, a cinematic that was used during our event to showcase how the black moon appeared!
Some of you might’ve already noticed it, in the assets above. But here it is:
Part 1 of a event we did before the release of the new expansion. Elunes Justice was asked to with a mystery in Dalaran where they uncovered a surprising twist.
We’ve had our promotion, Tekkyi Starbranch rightfully receiving the rank he has worked hard for! Here are our assets, musical ambience and screenshots from the ceremony!
Elune’s Justice has come across a dangerous threat in the face of a sister who has long forsworn her duties!
As the Wardens should, we’ve dealt with the threat and put Merelya through imprisoment, trial and execution. She will now remain sealed in the depths of the Vault, just like Illidan ones was!
Here come some screenshot of the RP. Major thanks to Merelya and everyone who took part! It was such a fun encounter that happened really out of a simple evening patrol, and the three days of RP it then resulted in were top nocht kind of RP!
Part 2 of that event occured long ago, yet it hasn’t made it to light of the forums just yet.
So, here are assets from the part 2 of an event that took place in Dalaran before its fall, and right before the beginning of TWW, hosted by Tekkyi Starbranch!
Amazing guild, amazing people and a great leader!
Strong pretty elves? Check.
Elune worship? Check.
A stash of steamy romance novels? Check.
You should totally join us.
Thank you lots
There’s plentiful of updates, scrreenshots from various events we’ve had since! Among all that hasn’t yet made it to the forums, is the event hosted by Tekkyi Starbranch for Halloween!
The nightmare at the Fenris isle
Stay tuned for more, updates will be arriving as we go
Was a fun event to create and host. Lots of laughs and confused screaming, hopefully go again with something similar next year.
RIP Albert
Not too long ago Elune’s Justice hosted an rbg night both internally and with guests from the Kaldorei community (Amirdrassil)
Here are some screenshots of the nights team, and below will be an invite link to the Amirdrassil discord and Wardens community discord!!
We had a tool training course, spread over total of 3 events.
Here come the screenshots from part 1 and 2, part 3 coming afterwards!
Hell yeah Fenris Isle mentioned!