Anniversary Collectors - Handy Spreadsheet for Tracking

No no it’s terrible that I took the time to share this information on the forums. Truly only a terrible person would share something that would be great for collectors.


A friend moved all their timewarped badges to one character ready for the event. I think I’m going to do the same!


My mistake. I forget how easily impressed people are that someone can copy paste.

Well done Puny! We’re so blessed to have you. Thank you, honest.

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I’m grateful when others share things from third party sources, especially if I may not have seen them.

I really don’t understand how you can be so grumpy over people sharing useful information but you do you.


I already said thank you.

Thanks a lot for sharing this, but I will definitely not try to get all. I will try to get what I like the most and then stop

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Thanks little elf :slight_smile:

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Luckily for me I am at that stage where I don’t care about collecting stuff anymore.

I hate FOMO. Didn’t even do my 8 delves this week. None to be precise.

I think wow is slowly starting to lose its grip on me. Will see…

For this event I end up with what I felt like doing.

A great sense of freedom not needing to do anything.


I am hoping it wont be too grindy, that will probably determine how much I want to do.

The TW badge stuff I have enough for in advance though


Only 35,985 Timewarped Badges?

Nice, that’s one part sorted.
I’d have thought it would be more, a lot more. Especially considering how long the event’s running.

Meanwhile I have like 4k badges :cold_face:
I hope I can still get a few cool Tmogs with what I have.

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The TW badges isn’t so great for me; I have around 1000 left after spending most of mine on mounts recently!

I’ll work out what I want the most and will grind those out, and anything else that I miss should be stuff that I’m not bothered about.


That’s the way to go. Enjoy the long, long, long event and don’t stress over getting enough badges to buy everything.

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Stress is healthy though

same I have 60k


Lmao, how is that even possible

How many timewalking raid last bosses did you kill?

I just stuck every alts TW badges on Punyelf. So they are all on one char.

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I started collecting the badge for the future BFA timewalking 1-2 years ago (yes, I’m too lazy to grind there) :smiley:
I still have 230,000, so I won’t hold back :smiley:


I spent most of mine recently catching up and buying everything, only have about 5000 left - 35k to go - ok then :flushed:

already transfered 50k timewaped badges to my main so gonan get that instantly :slight_smile:

which leave just the bronze farm - which is ok since i wil ldo that stuff anyway :slight_smile:

and there will be some catch up for sure or adjustment like in last few events / mop remix.