Any upcoming events?

Hi everyone,

as the title states, is there any upcoming events? i’ve checked the pinned topic but it hasn’t been updated since October 2021 :frowning:

thanks and have a great day!

Certain disc’s are better for finding that on, the SW community and the Dalaran community discs aswell as Legions Legacy tend to hand updates constantly, channels specifically for that, AA does also but I find the discs to be abit more updated

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do you know how i can find these discs please? i’ve only recently moved to AD thanks!

The Argent Dawn EU Roleplay Twitter account (@ArgentDawnEU_RP) makes posts about upcoming events, mostly based around what is posted on the Argent Archives from what I’ve seen. If you want a vague idea of what’s going on, following that account or making a habit outta checking AA itself would be very useful.
https: //ad-rp . eu/index . php also has some links to Discords, and many guilds have their own, or can show you into Community servers they’re a part of. (Can’t include links properly yet in my posts so you’ll have to remove the spaces for that to work.)


Hey gamer !

I run events out of Ratchet every Sunday at 20:30 realm time as part of my ongoing Mana War campaign - youre welcome to check those out if you like! =)


Argent Archives (AA) is also a pretty good spot to keep track of events. I find it less cluttered than keeping track of discord servers or twitter accounts as it will never get pushed aside by spam.

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amazing ! thank you so much everyone :slight_smile: !!

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Sigtryggr/Cassander#2709 my disc tag, if no one else can direct you gimmi a DM and I’ll get you some invites sorted, SW is a closed community in terms of invites so I’ll message one of the admins there
Edit: I added someone unsure if its you n slung a few invites, n messaged one of the mods from SW, but I’ll be out most the day today so likely wont be able to respond, hope you get to the destination your looking for! if not I’ll be back inabit anyways n sort that for you!


flies in (SW Discord)

On the Menu tonight appears to be well, my own Open Sermon at the Gazebo, the topic will be about Community.
There’s also a meeting held by 10:00 PM which is a sort of call to arms /quest/ recruiting thing by a player building his Guild and sharing his narrative.

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Hey there,

the Twitter Account @ArgentDawnEU_RP tries to gather all events from the official forums, the Argent Archives Page and several community/hub discords and post them daily as well as a weekly overview.

The Admin of the Dalaran Community posts a weekly overview as well!

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amazing thanks again everyone!

Also most events will be up in the event calendar of Argent Archives :

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