Anyone else hard stuck 1800? :)

Ye i know how can i check my opponents, but how did you check his? (How do you know who he played against)

i looked at my opponents in squadov to see their names and then looked them up on check-pvp.

Read again.

A slight misreading on your part, hence my first answer to you ! Now it is clear at least.

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Why was last patch so inflated anyway? Does high inflation reflect a higher participation in arena?

There are a couple of things causing inflation in this rating system used by Blizzard.

  1. New players entering the ladder.
  2. More rating points won than what the opponents lost.

But it can also deflate in the same way as point nr. 2, and people quitting PvP/the game, also deflates it.

So anyway, the longer a season has been ongoing, the more games has been played, and it tends to have those random points of inflation from point nr. 2 occur more often than it deflating that way.

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lol 10char

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By design.
I believe Holinka mentioned it in discussion with Venruki.

To be clear, it’s always by design. Every season is by design.

But ok, to go over it a little more, there are two types of categories of inflation and deflation. One is natural, as explained above. The other is artificial. The artificial inflation & deflation is what they control at will, and they can even change it for different rating ranges.

Alright, to be clear I meant they were aware of this outcome of their design and acknowledged it, rather than it being consequence of existing mechanism that under different circumstances would’ve resulted in something unintended.
Hopefully it’s more clear now.

That’s kinda what he said they didn’t do. They weren’t aware it’d lead to that outcome, they were just aware it’d be increased a bit. The specifics were unknown to them, because of the natural inflation & deflation mechanisms.

Alright, you understand me, but simply disagree with me.

Not really sure what you want me to hear, I’m watching it but by his own admission they don’t want seasons to be this long, but July was when the scandals first broke out and since then troubles just kept coming so it’s natural to assume delays from that.
So their intended plan for “visible inflation” as he put it, was derailed by delays in patch launch, and then the natural inflation ran its course over this time which wasn’t so great with their initial artificial inflation earlier in the season.

(To anyone else reading this exchange in this thread, the article whisperer linked to is recent while the youtube video he linked to is from June 5th '21.)

There are no new players, everyone in Arena above 1k cr has played the game for nearly 10 years, watched gladiator streamers etc etc, first ever season I go negative win ratio in 3s sadge. I don’t raid anymore and can’t get tierset/ ilvl boost from heroic drops and I’m not elite enough to compensate for it plus I play with randoms.

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