Anyone who lost 12 BG in Blitz in a row?

How do you define a good player when anyone can kill anyone and no one ever stands out? Your survivability in BGs is so low that counterplay or tactical gameplay isn’t possible at all.

A good player is someone who is aware of the objectives and where points for the team can be made and he/she peels off from fights that don’t get the team ahead and is at the right place at the right time, or at least tries to be.

They also cc and slow down the other team to allow a teammate to cap a base for example.

They also know how to use their cds to survive and deal the maximum amount of damage, but fighting skill is secondary to objective gameplay.

In short, a good blitz player makes smart moves and pays attention.

A bad player, in contrast, is unaware of the objectives and attack the closest opponent to them, even though it has no tactical value, doesn’t get the team ahead and is a waste of time. You can see them stacking 5v2 on a single base in Arathi / Deepwind without capping the base while their team loses every other base, because they have poor objective awareness.

A 1k5 lobby is not the same as a 3k lobby or even higher. There are significant differences.

How much people play objectives is the most important criteria to decide whether they can climb.

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Nah this is copium.

Biggest thing I see at low rating, imo, isn’t even the blindness to objectives necessarily but ppl don’t how to dps/heal.
And it’s very weird because you’d thnk that doing dps rotation would be easy but I guess not

played 27 and won 21 on my hunter.
my mmr is so messed up right now. 45min and queue still didn’t pop up… :frowning:
trying to get to 1800 rating while my mmr is around 3k ~_~

not thinking about going higher than 1800 on any of my toons. queue times are wild

No but i did win about 14 out of 17.