April’s Trading Post is Piratical— Yet, Spring Fresh!

That’s nice Blizz.

Make the Plunderlords Silver Cutlass 1h.

Dreadwake is a legendary mount, I’m glad to see it on the Trading Post. It has served me well over the years even though I am a Druid who doesn’t use mounts.

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Ooh saw the turtle on twitter

i was so happy when i had for the 6 months but barely used it. too wide. and it never float on the water!


Hopefully that turtle makes it to the water.


It’s savage! Might not let us near them.

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Do you have the sausage hat from Brewfest? i think they was trolling us with that item.

I never really cared about pets but as someone who missed out on getting the monthly rewards a few times: do you get the Warden transmog set from getting the monthly reward 10 times in a row or just 10 times in general?

10 times in general. I missed one month but still got the Warden transmog the next month.

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I was very amused when I found out the previous version can be used in the Pandaren starting zone. And very annoyed when I found out it’s useless as a mount outside of water.

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Pity the Dreadwake isn’t the bonus reward. It’s a unique model, whereas the duckling is the 9th one of its kind in the game. Can’t remember if I said it here, so I’ll just say it again: If you’re gonna give us a pet as the bonus reward, have it be flashy in some way. Could be a colour-shifter (how about you don’t have those in the shop for once?), something with special effects (It rains in May-have rain or stormy FX on a suitable pet) or just something with a unique model like Lil’ Maggz.

Probably will get the dreadwake ship mount and will save rest of trading currency for next month offering

I like the skull and bones bicorne hat, and I don’t have that one yet. Nothing else really stands out to me. The Dreadwake mount is cool, but realistically I’d probably not use it. Great for collectors who missed out when it was a subscription bonus, though.

It was once a shop item, so having it for tender is quite good. I doubt they will put shop items on as a bonus reward.

Everyone who did Plunderstorm renown grind will have extra tendies to spend or bank ofc.

Rub salt in my wounds why dont you :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

I got to renown 3 and gave up after 4 days…

But i hope we can buy tenders with cash :smiley:

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Is this Turtle mount dont flying, right?

I guessed fireworks make them flying.
But tried check video, seem they dont flying, useless.

Buying tender with cash sounds so bad not gonna lie


It doesn’t even function as a regular mount. It only gives a speed bonus in water.

I can so see you wearing that while your out eating and taking pictures of your food when posting to discord lolol

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