Arabic UI option

We need this game in Klingon, petaQ


And I thank god for that. I’ve read several swedish translations for fantasy and sci-fi media such as dnd and warhammer and it’s so cringe xD
Swedish does not translate well and it sounds so weird even to a native.

Reading about Rymdmariner i kraftrustningar med välsignade bultare som slåss för människoimperiet under det storslagna Horus kätteri

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Introduce them to English! Playing on English is a good way to learn a language.

Never understood why people want to limit themselves to their own language in games or any form of media for that matter. Can’t stand dubbing.


Yrel to nearest Naaru be like:

Not seeing a lot of Arabs playing video games, let alone this one.

Honestly I think they have much much more important problems with this game.


Guild Wars 1 was translated into Swedish Chef.

Böork börk börk

Companies are weird.

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These are the languages World of Warcraft is available in.

World of Warcraft Localization

Supported Locales

The World of Warcraft API supports the following locales:

Locale Value
English (United States) en_US
Spanish (Mexico) es_MX
Portuguese pt_BR
German de_DE
English (Great Britain) en_GB
Spanish (Spain) es_ES
French fr_FR
Italian it_IT
Russian ru_RU
Korean ko_KR
Chinese (Traditional) zh_TW
Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN

I don’t think they’ll be adding more, translation services don’t come cheap and it’s an awful lot of content.

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Doubtful, they don’t have the population to compete numbers wise.

What is a “core gamer?”. 1% of Finnish population? 5%? And of them 1/5th played warcraft 7 years ago. Talk about throwing bs numbers at something in the hope that it gives it an aura of credibility.

Its the same on Finnish, all translations of abilities make me smile. It would almost be worth reading legendaa taikamiekasta for the comedic value.

Its an interesting fact anyway how swedes and danes dont have their languages in most games even though there is quite many of them. norway, swedish, fins and danes speak english online and french, german and spanish have languages for their natives which some prefer over english and some use english anyway.

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That was the whole point.

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It’ll probably depend on how much of a potential they see in an arabic speaking market. That and if the general level of English language education is seen as sufficient enough in the respective countries to where a game in a localised language may not be necessary.
It’s why most US based game developers generally don’t bother too much with UI translations into the likes of Danish, Swedish etc. Not worth the additional work hours when standard English tends to be enough.


Blizzard has done nothing but downscale on staff. I’ll be very surprised if they invest in more languages after so much cost saving.

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There is that as well. It’s probably even less likely for WoW since we aren’t quite in the late 90’s to mid 00’s of the MMO boom era.


The only boomer in wow is the average age of its aging playerbase :dracthyr_a1:

The most profitable market in the Middle East is probably the Gulf where English is widely spoken by the majority of people and there is a lot of foreigners.

WoW in Arabic is not happening anytime soon. It’s a difficult language to translate, it would require an enormous amount of effort to get this right.

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Some do indeed forget that it takes a bit more than just a standard one-to-one translation. Some things may have to be rephrased etc. to properly convey the intended meaning, especially when it’s done between two completely different written languages.

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It is one of the most complex languages on Earth, it is written from right to left and it would require some serious adjustments to the UI to be clean and well made.

All of that would be pretty useless as I’ve yet to see an Arab use a game in Arabic in my entire life.

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A lot of them play in their own language guilds but I have played with some ME players.

It’s different yes, the thing with Arabic is Arabs themselves run away from it, a lot of youngsters use the transliteration with latin leters and numbers.

When it comes to the language as a means of communication that of course is handy to have, especially when teamwork is needed for difficult content.


Clearly you’re just ignorant, As I stated in the OP most “AAA” titles for the past decade come in Arabic.
Oh and an “arabs are too busy with war” joke, How original.

That’s only true in Morroco, Algeria and Tunis where they mix Arabic words with English and French words.

They come in Danish, too, which makes no sense.

It’s unfortunate the joke didn’t land with you. I hope it didn’t hit too close to home, because that would be very bad news indeed.

There are problems with localisation into arabic for a game like WoW. It’s not like translating into Italian or Spanish or even Japanese. It’s read right to left, which means you have flip the entire UI left to right, like you’re seeing if through a mirror.

That’s a lot of work, and didn’t even think about addons…

It’s not worth it.